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[英]Get value of CSS property using JavaScript

I need to do some if logic depending if an element in the DOM has the property display: none . 我需要做一些if逻辑,取决于DOM中的元素是否具有display: none属性display: none

I was looking at getComputedStyle() and have come this far: 我一直在看getComputedStyle()并走到了这么远:

var bla = document.querySelectorAll('#nvk-popup-wapper')[0]

This returns an object and if I expand it in Chrome's console I can see a property display with a value of none . 这将返回一个对象,如果在Chrome的控制台中将其展开,则可以看到一个display值为none的属性。 But if I go bla.display I get undefined whereas I had hoped to get the value of the display property for that element. 但是,如果我去bla.display我将undefined而我希望获得该元素的display属性值。

For a particular element, how do I get the value of the display property for that element? 对于特定元素,如何获取该元素的display属性值?

try this 尝试这个

var style = getComputedStyle(bla)
var display =style.getPropertyValue('display');

Using JQuery : 使用JQuery:


would return the property display of the some-element 将返回some-element的属性display

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