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[英]Iterator inside DictWriter.writerow

I'm trying to process a data struct as follows: 我正在尝试如下处理数据结构:

dict<ID, actions>

where actions is a list of dictionaries, and each of them contain two pairs (at least): 'gameCode':value, 'gameTime':value. 其中actions是词典列表,每个词典至少包含两对:'gameCode':value,'gameTime':value。

So my data is like: 所以我的数据就像:

{user1: [{gameCode : 1, gameTime : 1}, {gameCode : 2, gameTime : 2}], 
user2: [{gameCode : 1, gameTime : 1}, {gameCode : 2, gameTime : 2}]}

This data come from a log in which each row represents one action. 此数据来自日志,其中每一行代表一个动作。

I have to produce an output as the following: 我必须产生如下输出:

ID | ID | action | 动作| time | 时间| action | 动作| time ... 时间 ...

I was wondering how could I write these pairs of action/times in a pythonic way, maybe using a list comprehension. 我想知道如何用Python的方式编写这些动作/时间对,也许使用列表理解。 This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

    event = 'gameCode'
    data = 'gameTime'

    # Open the .csv file and creates a dict of actions
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as csvfile:
        spamreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
        for row in spamreader:
            # Add an empty list for 'userID' if it is not registered yet in dict
            user = row['userID']
            actions = Users.get(user, []) 
            # Delete the 'userID' from the information
            del row['userID']
            # Add a register of actions for this user
            # Update its values
            users[user] = actions   

     # Sort each list of actions based on time      
     for key, value in users.iteritems(): 
        users[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda k: k[data])

     # Write a .csv to be consumed by the app   
     with open('eventsInput.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
         csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
         for key, value in users.iteritems(): 
            actions = [[d[event], d[data]] for d in value]
            writer.writerow([key, 0, 0, 0, 0, [action for action in actions]])

I'm stuck at this last line. 我被困在最后一行。

With this, I get this output: 这样,我得到以下输出:

L11-13 0 0 0 0 "[['1002', '358']]" L11-13 0 0 0 0“ [['1002','358']]”

But I don't want nothing but 1002 358 (ie, no " , ' [ etc) 但是我什么也不要,只需要1002 358(即不,“,” [等)

Unfortunately you can't have multiple fieldnames with the same value in a DictWriter, you could revert to a normal csv writer (though you might have to deal with uneven lengths of action time tuples for a specific id) or consider that for any id you have a list of actions and a list of times: 不幸的是,在DictWriter中不能有多个具有相同值的字段名,您可以恢复为普通的csv编写器(尽管对于特定的id,您可能不得不处理长度不一的动作时间元组),或者对于任何id,您都可以考虑使用它有一个动作列表和一个时间列表:

from csv import DictWriter
data = [{'id': 1, 'actions':[1,2,3], 'times': [1,2,3]},
        {'id': 2, 'actions':[4,5,6], 'times': [4,5,6]}]
with open('fred.csv', 'w+') as f:
    writer = DictWriter(f, ['id', 'actions', 'times'])

fred.csv fred.csv

1,"[1, 2, 3]","[1, 2, 3]"
2,"[4, 5, 6]","[4, 5, 6]"

When you read it in, you can zip actions and times to get them back together. 阅读时,您可以压缩操作和时间以使它们重新组合在一起。

After some researcher and a lot of trials, I found out that I can accomplish what I want with this piece of code: 经过一些研究人员和大量的试验,我发现我可以用这段代码完成我想要的工作:

with open('eventsInput.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
     for key, value in users.iteritems(): 
        # That was what changed the result
        actions = list(chain.from_iterable((d[event], d[data]) for d in value))
        print actions
        writer.writerow([key, 0, 0, 0, 0] + [action for action in actions])

Just don't know why I can't do: 只是不知道为什么我不能做:

actions = [chain.from_iterable((d[event], d[data]) for d in value)]

To fix your updated code, you can just add lists: 要修复更新的代码,您只需添加列表即可:

writer.writerow([key, 0, 0, 0, 0] + [action for action in actions]])

But this may cause issues on read because you may have variable number of fields per row, unless len(actions) is a constant. 但这可能会导致读取问题,因为除非len(actions)是常数,否则每行的字段数可能会变化。

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