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[英]Freemarker template engine to retrieve data from xml

I have a xml with format say 我有一个格式说的xml

        <z Name="z"> File Explorer </z>

I want to write a freemarker template to retrieve the content "File Explorer". 我想编写一个freemarker模板来检索内容“文件资源管理器”。 I have written java code to transform xml to html. 我已经编写了Java代码将xml转换为html。 input xml is given xml. 输入xml就是xml。

Configuration configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_23);
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource( new StringReader(xml.asXML()));
        root.put("doc", freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel.parse(inputSource));
        result = new StringWriter();
        template.process(root, result);

I tried freemarker template with xpath 我用xpath尝试了freemarker模板


But this on transforming displays ${doc["x/y/z[@Name='z']"/]} instead of 但这在转换时显示$ {doc [“ x / y / z [@ Name ='z']” /]}而不是
File Explorer 文件管理器

Use the Freemarker Ant task freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask : 使用Freemarker Ant任务freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask

  • Go to the lib folder which includes the freemarker JAR file 转到包含freemarker JAR文件的lib文件夹
  • Copy the path 复制路径
  • Paste it into the location attribute of the pathElement element of the Ant task 将其粘贴到Ant任务的pathElement元素的location属性中
  • Copy the path of the XML file 复制XML文件的路径
  • Paste it into the attribute basedir in the freemarker element of the Ant task 将其粘贴到Ant任务的freemarker元素中的基于basedir的属性中
  • Copy the path of the FTL file 复制FTL文件的路径
  • Paste it into the template attribute of the freemarker element of the Ant task 将其粘贴到Ant任务的freemarker元素的template属性中

For example: 例如:

  • Ant task 蚂蚁任务

build.xml: build.xml文件:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project basedir="." default="generate" name="FreeMarker-FAQ">

  <taskdef name="freemarker" classname="freemarker.ext.ant.FreemarkerXmlTask">
      <fileset dir="lib">
        <include name="freemarker.jar"/>

  <target name="generate">
    <mkdir dir="html"/>
    <freemarker basedir="." template="xml2html.ftl" includes="xml/data.xml" destdir="html"/>

  • XML file XML文件

data.xml: data.xml中:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root name="test" value="123">
  <child name="data" value="456"/>
  • Freemarker Template Freemarker模板

xml2html.ftl xml2html.ftl

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta name="keywords" content="FreeMarker, Java, servlet, HTML, template, free software, open source, XML" />
 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
  <h2><a name="top">${.node.root.child.@name}.</a></h2>
  • Directory structure 目录结构

  • build.xml build.xml文件

    • /lib / lib目录
      • freemarker.jar freemarker.jar
    • /html / HTML
      • data.html data.html
    • /xml / XML
      • data.xml data.xml中

Then run ant from the directory which contains the build.xml file. 然后从包含build.xml文件的目录中运行ant

References 参考

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