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[英]Transforming a numeric vector into list of intervals

I have the following vector 我有以下矢量

x <- c(1,3,4,5,8,9,10,13)

I wish to transform it into a set of intervals: 我希望将其转换为一组间隔:

iwant <-  list(1, c(3,5), c(8,10), 13)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 1
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 3 5
#> [[3]]
#> [1]  8 10
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 13

is there an easy way to tranform x such into groups of interval ranges in R or with Rcpp (real x vector may be have up to ~ 80M values) that I've completely missed? 是否有一种简单的方法可以将x转换成R中的区间范围组或Rcpp(实际x向量可能有多达~80M值)我完全错过了? If not can someone point me to an algorithm I can't seem to figure it out. 如果没有,有人可以指出我的算法,我似乎无法搞清楚。

It is not clear waht you are looking to do ,but here how you can reproduce the expected result: 目前尚不清楚你想要做什么,但在这里你如何重现预期的结果:

       function(y)if(length(y)>2) c(y[1],tail(y,1))else y)

[1] 1

[1] 3 5

[1]  8 10

[1] 13

I'm not exactly sure how you're defining an instance of an interval but here's one way using the IRanges package ( installation instructions ). 我不确定你是如何定义一个间隔的实例,但这是使用IRanges包的一种方式( 安装说明 )。 It has really good documentation. 它有很好的文档。

reduce(IRanges(x, x))
# IRanges of length 4
#     start end width
# [1]     1   1     1
# [2]     3   5     3
# [3]     8  10     3
# [4]    13  13     1

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