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[英]Raised colon ligature in Android?

Is there a way to enable your app to use raised colons between numbers for a font in Android?有没有办法让您的应用程序在 Android 字体的数字之间使用凸起的冒号? I believe the Roboto font supports it based on the lock screen which shows the colon vertically centered, as opposed to some other apps.我相信 Roboto 字体基于锁屏支持它,它显示冒号垂直居中,而不是其他一些应用程序。

Here's an example of what I mean, the top one is what the Roboto font looks like by default (the colon is too low) and the bottom one is what it looks like on the lock screen:这是我的意思的示例,顶部是 Roboto 字体默认情况下的样子(冒号太低),底部是锁定屏幕上的样子:


尝试使用Unicode字形U + 02F8-希望字体支持它。

Thanks to the other comment I found one that works (the one mentioned is too high for me)感谢另一条评论,我找到了一条有效的评论(提到的评论对我来说太高了)

https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+A789 https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+A789

Simply copy&paste this character ꞉只需复制并粘贴此字符 ꞉

Example: 8꞉93例子: 8꞉93

At least my Pixel 3a displays that one correctly centered至少我的 Pixel 3a 显示正确居中

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