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Visual Studio 2015奇怪的键盘快捷键

[英]Visual Studio 2015 strange Keyboard Shortcuts

I just went over to VS 2015 from 2013. Back in 2013 I was using Alt + Shift + ( for typing the { character. In VS 2015 the same command toggles the error display for the scroll bar and wont let me type the opening curly bracket. 我从2013 VS 2015开始转到VS 2015 2015.早在2013年,我使用的是Alt + Shift + (用于输入{字符。在VS 2015 ,相同的命令切换滚动条的错误显示,并且不允许我键入开口花括号。

I've tried to track down this awful shortcut in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard but without any success. 我试图在Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard这个可怕的快捷方式,但没有任何成功。

Anyone know how to remove this or override it with my desired shortcut? 任何人都知道如何删除它或用我想要的快捷方式覆盖它?

Edit: I'm using Resharper 9.2 Ultimate and it's keyboard scheme : ReSharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA over Visual Studios default scheme. 编辑:我正在使用Resharper 9.2 Ultimate和它的键盘方案: ReSharper 2.x或IntelliJ IDEA而不是Visual Studios默认方案。 I've tried with both schemes and none of them seems to solve this issue. 我已尝试过两种方案,似乎没有一种方案可以解决这个问题。 So this should not be the cause of the problem, unless I'm missing something obvious. 所以这不应该是问题的原因,除非我遗漏了一些明显的东西。

Regarding the keyboard layout: I'm using a Swedish one (sv) and it looks like this: 关于键盘布局:我使用瑞典语(sv),它看起来像这样: 在此输入图像描述

And my physical keyboard looks like this (Mac): 我的物理键盘看起来像这样(Mac): 在此输入图像描述

Note I'm using the following vs setup : 注意我正在使用以下vs设置:

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015

Version 14.0.23107.0 D14REL 版本14.0.23107.0 D14REL

Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework

Version 4.6.00081 版本4.6.00081

Installed Version: Professional 已安装版本:专业版

To clarify even more: 更进一步澄清:

在此输入图像描述 在此输入图像描述

Notice the green little checkbox, that indicates if there are any errors or warnings, on picture two. 请注意图2中的绿色小复选框,指示是否有任何错误或警告。 This is what's getting toggled while using the desired command inside VS. 这是在VS中使用所需命令时切换的内容。

This is a ReSharper keybinding. 这是一个ReSharper键绑定。 The default keybinding is Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 8 . 默认键绑定是Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 8 It sounds like you are either holding more keys than you intend or have ended up giving it a keybinding that conflicts with your keyboard setup. 听起来你要么拿着比你想要的更多的键,要么最终给它一个与你的键盘设置冲突的键绑定。

To change the keybinding go to Tools > Options > Keyboard again and search for ReSharper_EnableDaemon . 要更改键绑定,请再次转到Tools > Options > Keyboard ,然后搜索ReSharper_EnableDaemon You can remove the keybinding or set it to something else. 您可以删除键绑定或将其设置为其他内容。

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