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在Visual Studio 2015中突出显示奇怪的语法

[英]Strange syntax highlighting in Visual Studio 2015

I don't know which color setting to change to fix the following problem in Visual Studio 2015. It seems that a lot of color settings have shifted around, so fixes from previous versions (such as importing my theme from Visual Studio 2013) are not entirely applicable. 我不知道要更改哪种颜色设置以解决Visual Studio 2015中的以下问题。似乎很多颜色设置已经转移,因此以前版本的修复(例如从Visual Studio 2013导入我的主题)没有完全适用。

Anyone know which setting affects the background color of individual symbols? 有人知道哪个设置会影响单个符号的背景色吗?

In C#, you can see that the selected line symbols have a darker background than the color set for the currently selected line. 在C#中,您可以看到所选线符号的背景比当前所选线的颜色设置的背景暗。


In Razor, you can notice that the individual symbols have a darker background than the color set for the Razor background. 在Razor中,您会注意到各个符号的背景比Razor背景设置的颜色要暗。


Goto "Tools" > "Options" > "Environment" > "Fonts and Colors". 转到“工具”>“选项”>“环境”>“字体和颜色”。 Click Use Defaults . 单击Use Defaults

Alternatively you could also look exactly for the in individual symbols and set them to your prefered color. 另外,您也可以精确查找各个符号中的符号,并将其设置为您喜欢的颜色。

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