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[英]How to fit a large image in image view without rotating it?

My image size is 2000x1900 and my image view size is 500x500.When I set the image in the image view its rotate the image.I also used 我的图像尺寸为2000x1900,图像视图尺寸为500x500。当我在图像视图中设置图像时,它会旋转图像。

contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
clipsToBounds = YES;

Check image orientation.It is UIImageOrientationUp.But still I get the rotate image.So any one help me what is the reason and how can I solve this issue? 检查图像方向。它是UIImageOrientationUp。但是仍然可以旋转图像。所以有人可以帮助我,原因是什么,如何解决这个问题?

it may be help for you.. 可能对您有帮助。

If I understand, what you want to do is disregard the orientation of the UIImage? 如果我理解,您想要做的就是忽略UIImage的方向? If so then you could do this: 如果是这样,那么您可以这样做:

UIImage *originalImage = [... whatever ...];

UIImage *imageToDisplay =
     [UIImage imageWithCGImage:[originalImage CGImage]
              orientation: UIImageOrientationUp];

You can use below method to resize your image 您可以使用以下方法调整图像大小

-(UIImage *)compressImage:(UIImage *)image
    float actualHeight = image.size.height;
    float actualWidth = image.size.width;
    float maxHeight = 500;
    float maxWidth = 500;
    float imgRatio = actualWidth/actualHeight;
    float maxRatio = maxWidth/maxHeight;
    float compressionQuality = 1;//50 percent compression

    if (actualHeight > maxHeight || actualWidth > maxWidth){
        if(imgRatio < maxRatio){
            //adjust width according to maxHeight
            imgRatio = maxHeight / actualHeight;
            actualWidth = imgRatio * actualWidth;
            actualHeight = maxHeight;
        else if(imgRatio > maxRatio){
            //adjust height according to maxWidth
            imgRatio = maxWidth / actualWidth;
            actualHeight = imgRatio * actualHeight;
            actualWidth = maxWidth;
            actualHeight = maxHeight;
            actualWidth = maxWidth;
    actualHeight = 2000;
    actualWidth = 1900;

    CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, actualWidth, actualHeight);
    [image drawInRect:rect];
    UIImage *img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, compressionQuality);

    return [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];

In above method set height-width as per your requirement. 在上述方法中,根据您的要求设置height-width。 Hope it's helpful to you. 希望对您有帮助。

Try below code for fix orientation issue. 尝试下面的代码解决定向问题。

UIImage+fixOrientation.h UIImage + fixOrientation.h

@interface UIImage (fixOrientation)

- (UIImage *)fixOrientation;


UIImage+fixOrientation.m UIImage + fixOrientation.m

@implementation UIImage (fixOrientation)

- (UIImage *)fixOrientation {

    // No-op if the orientation is already correct
    if (self.imageOrientation == UIImageOrientationUp) return self;

    // We need to calculate the proper transformation to make the image upright.
    // We do it in 2 steps: Rotate if Left/Right/Down, and then flip if Mirrored.
    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;

    switch (self.imageOrientation) {
        case UIImageOrientationDown:
        case UIImageOrientationDownMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, self.size.width, self.size.height);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, M_PI);

        case UIImageOrientationLeft:
        case UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, self.size.width, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, M_PI_2);

        case UIImageOrientationRight:
        case UIImageOrientationRightMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, self.size.height);
            transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, -M_PI_2);
        case UIImageOrientationUp:
        case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored:

    switch (self.imageOrientation) {
        case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored:
        case UIImageOrientationDownMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, self.size.width, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, -1, 1);

        case UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored:
        case UIImageOrientationRightMirrored:
            transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, self.size.height, 0);
            transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, -1, 1);
        case UIImageOrientationUp:
        case UIImageOrientationDown:
        case UIImageOrientationLeft:
        case UIImageOrientationRight:

    // Now we draw the underlying CGImage into a new context, applying the transform
    // calculated above.
    CGContextRef ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, self.size.width, self.size.height,
                                             CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(self.CGImage), 0,
    CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, transform);
    switch (self.imageOrientation) {
        case UIImageOrientationLeft:
        case UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored:
        case UIImageOrientationRight:
        case UIImageOrientationRightMirrored:
            // Grr...
            CGContextDrawImage(ctx, CGRectMake(0,0,self.size.height,self.size.width), self.CGImage);

            CGContextDrawImage(ctx, CGRectMake(0,0,self.size.width,self.size.height), self.CGImage);

    // And now we just create a new UIImage from the drawing context
    CGImageRef cgimg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(ctx);
    UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgimg];
    return img;


Use as 用于

#import "UIImage+fixOrientation.h"

UIImage *image = [yourImage fixOrientation];
yourImageView.image = image;

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