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使用Stripe和Parse存储信用卡。 没有方法每个错误

[英]Store credit card with Stripe and Parse. has no method each error

Hello stackoverflow community 你好stackoverflow社区

Im desperately trying to create a new customer and credit card in Stripe out of an iOS app. 我拼命试图通过iOS应用程序在Stripe中创建新的客户和信用卡。 Im luckily getting the token. 我很幸运得到令牌。

However, when running the following code for creating a credit card with its customer, I get the error "has no method '_each'" in Parse Cloud Code: 但是,当运行以下代码与客户创建信用卡时,我在解析云代码中收到错误“没有方法'_each'”:

E2015-09-24T21:19:45.502Z]v10 Ran cloud function saveCardInformation with: 
Input: {"cardToken":"tok_16oh81JJfrimOSDHs6YSw4v5","objectId":"asdfdf"}
Result: TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method '_each'
   at request (stripe.js:58:11)
   at post (stripe.js:117:12)
   at Object.module.exports.Customers.create (stripe.js:239:16)
   at main.js:62:22

I execute the following Parse cloud code: 我执行以下Parse云代码:

//Parse Cloud code for creating new Stripe Customer and new Credit Card
var Stripe = require('stripe');

Parse.Cloud.define("saveCardInformation", function(request, response) {

     source: request.params.cardToken,
     success: function(httpResponse) {
     response.success("Customer successfully created!");
     error: function(httpResponse) {

In the corresponding iOS app, I have the following code: 在相应的iOS应用中,我有以下代码:

STPCard *stpcard = [[STPCard alloc] init];
stpcard.number = @"4568785465487897";
stpcard.expMonth = 5;
stpcard.expYear = 2017;
stpcard.cvc = @"255";

NSLog(@"card created");

[[STPAPIClient sharedClient] createTokenWithCard:stpcard
                   completion:^(STPToken *token, NSError  *error) {
                         if (error) {
                                 NSLog(@"error, no token created");
                            } else {
                                 NSLog(@"Token from callback recieved");
                                 [self createBackendChargeWithToken:token];

Up to here it works. 到这里为止。

The following method is causing troubles 以下方法引起麻烦

- (void)createBackendChargeWithToken:(STPToken *)token
NSDictionary *productInfo = @{@"cardToken": token.tokenId,
                              @"objectId": @"asdfdf"};

[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:@"saveCardInformation"
                            block:^(id object, NSError *error) {
                                if (error) {
                                    return ;

                              [[[UIAlertView alloc] 
                              otherButtonTitles:nil] show];

Thank you very much for an answer and guidance! 非常感谢您的回答和指导!

Revert your cloud code version to 1.5.0 or earlier. 将您的云代码版本恢复为1.5.0或更早版本。

Explained here : Parse + Stripe iOS main.js 在这里解释: Parse + Stripe iOS main.js

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