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[英]PHP list top 10 highest vaules in MySQL table

I'm trying to list the top highest 10 values in my MySQL table. 我正在尝试在MySQL表中列出最高的前10个值。

I've tried this: 我已经试过了:

              $SQL = ("SELECT * Rating FROM download_manager ORDER BY Rating DESC LIMIT 10;");
              $results = mysqli_query($SQL);

However that returns a NULL, also I'd need it to echo back two rows and not the whole table... 但是,这将返回NULL,我还需要它回显两行而不是整个表...

DB Structure: id | 数据库结构:id | filename | 文件名| downloads 下载

I need to just echo back the top 10 highest downloads and the associated filename. 我只需要回显前十名的最高下载量和相关的文件名。

Update: 更新:

Rating is not the table, connection is done through a require connect. 等级不是表格,连接是通过require连接完成的。 I've removed the () however still get a null. 我已删除了(),但仍然为null。

Try that 试试看

$SQL = "SELECT Rating FROM download_manager ORDER BY Rating DESC LIMIT 10;";
              $results = mysqli_query($SQL);

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