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[英]Is it possible to concatenate a variable to an if statement in Twig?

I am trying to concatenate a variable to an array key to get access to certain values in Twig, but no success so far. 我试图将变量连接到数组键以访问Twig中的某些值,但到目前为止没有成功。

I have a large PHP array that has for example keys like this: 我有一个大型的PHP数组,例如,具有以下键:

$array = [
   'test_1' => $test_1,
   'test_2' => $test_2

I tried the following in my Twig template: 我在Twig模板中尝试了以下操作:

{% for i in 1..2 %}

   {% if array.test_{{ i }} != 0 %}
   {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

but that doesn't work. 但这不起作用。

Is there a way to access values like this in Twig? 在Twig中是否可以访问这样的值?

Try this: 尝试这个:

{% for i in 1..2 %}
    {% if array['test_' ~ i] != 0 %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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