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为不使用元组的自定义映射模拟 std::map 迭代器

[英]Emulate std::map iterators for custom map that does not use tuples

I want to create a custom map that that actually uses a fixed set of keys, but should behave like a std::map .我想创建一个自定义映射,它实际上使用一组固定的键,但应该表现得像std::map Basically I use an array internally and map the keys to indexes, allowing very efficient lookup.基本上我在内部使用一个数组并将键映射到索引,从而允许非常有效的查找。 I am however struggling to implement iterators that behave like std::map iterators, because I do not have internal std::pair s that I can hand out references to.然而,我正在努力实现行为类似于std::map迭代器的迭代器,因为我没有可以std::pair引用的内部std::pair

Is it possible to implement this as a zero-overhead abstraction while retaining the std::map interface, in particular the iterators?是否可以在保留std::map接口(尤其是迭代器)的同时将其实现为零开销抽象?

The best i could come up with as operator* is to return a rvalue std::pair<key_type, mapped_type*> , which basically allows for the same operations, but unfortunately with different usage patterns.我能想到的最好的operator*是返回一个右值std::pair<key_type, mapped_type*> ,它基本上允许相同的操作,但不幸的是使用模式不同。

I have also tried std::pair<key_type, boost::referene_wrapper<mapped_type>> , but that still doesn't allow for(auto& elem : map) and often requires elem.second.get() for reasons I do not understand.我也试过std::pair<key_type, boost::referene_wrapper<mapped_type>> ,但仍然不允许for(auto& elem : map)并且经常需要elem.second.get()原因我不明白.

I am happy to use boost or lightweight header libraries, if there is anything that helps for the use case.如果对用例有任何帮助,我很乐意使用 boost 或轻量级头库。

To illustrate the case, here is a minimal example with a map that contains all letters 'a'-'z'.为了说明这种情况,下面是一个包含所有字母“a”-“z”的地图的最小示例。

using letter = char;
static const letter letter_begin = 'a';
static const letter letter_end = 'z' + 1;

template <typename T>
class letter_map
    using self = letter_map<T>;

    template <typename IT, typename M>
    class iterator_base : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, T>
        iterator_base(letter index, M& map) : index_(index), data_(map)

        using self_iter = iterator_base<IT, M>;
        IT operator*()
            return IT(index_, &data_[index_]);

        self_iter& operator++()
            return *this;

        self_iter operator++(int)
            self_iter tmp(*this);
            return tmp;

        bool operator==(self_iter other) const
            assert(&data_ == &other.data_);
            return index_ == other.index_;

        bool operator!=(self_iter other) const
            return !(*this == other);

        letter index_;
        M& data_;

    using key_type = letter;
    using mapped_type = T;
    using value_type = std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type*>;
    using const_value_type = std::pair<const key_type, const mapped_type*>;

    static const size_t data_size = letter_end - letter_begin;
    using container_type = std::array<mapped_type, data_size>;

    using iterator = iterator_base<value_type, self>;
    using const_iterator = iterator_base<const_value_type, const self>;

    mapped_type& operator[](letter l)
        return data_[l - letter_begin];

    const mapped_type& operator[](letter l) const
        return data_[l - letter_begin];

    auto begin()
        return iterator(letter_begin, *this);

    auto end()
        return iterator(letter_end, *this);

    auto begin() const
        return const_iterator(letter_begin, *this);

    auto end() const
        return const_iterator(letter_end, *this);

    container_type data_;

void print_string_letter_map(const letter_map<std::string>& lm)
    for (auto elem : lm)
        std::cout << elem.first << "->" << *(elem.second) << std::endl;

template<typename T>
class std_letter_map : public std::map<letter, T>
        for (letter l = letter_begin; l != letter_end; ++l) {
            this->emplace(l, T());

void print_string_std_letter_map(const std_letter_map<std::string>& lm)
    for (const auto& elem : lm)
        std::cout << elem.first << "->" << elem.second << std::endl;

int main()
    letter_map<std::string> lm;
    // usually I would use auto& elem here
    for (auto elem : lm) {
        auto let = elem.first;
        // usually this would be without the *
        auto& str = *(elem.second);
        str = std::string("foo ") + let;
    return 0;

Implementing operator * is easy - just return std::pair<const Key, Value&> or ..., Value const&> for const iterator, like in this simplified example:实现operator *很容易 - 只需为 const 迭代器返回std::pair<const Key, Value&>..., Value const&> ,就像在这个简化的例子中一样:

template <typename T>
class iterator_array_as_map

    iterator_array_as_map(T* array, int index) 
       : array(array), index(index) 

    bool operator == (const iterator_array_as_map& other) const
        return index == other.index;
    bool operator != (const iterator_array_as_map& other) const
        return index != other.index;
    iterator_array_as_map& operator ++ ()
        return *this;

    auto operator * ()
        return std::pair<const int, T&>(index, array[index]);

    T* array;
    int index;

And usage:和用法:

int main() {
    int array[2] = {2, 4};
    auto begin = iterator_array_as_map<int>(array, 0);
    auto end = iterator_array_as_map<int>(array, 2);

    for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it)
        std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << std::endl;

    (*begin).second = 7;

    for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it)
        std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << std::endl;

operator -> is a little harder - since you must return something which needs to emulate pointer to std::pair - but if do not mind about dynamic memory fragmentation - you can just return std::shared_ptr<std::pair<....>> ... operator ->有点难 - 因为你必须返回一些需要模拟pointer to std::pair - 但如果不介意动态内存碎片 - 你可以只返回std::shared_ptr<std::pair<....>> ...

    auto operator -> ()
        return std::make_shared<std::pair<const int, T&>>(index, array[index]);

If you do not want to use dynamic memory - then you might try with pointer to itself solution:如果您不想使用动态内存 - 那么您可以尝试使用指向自身解决方案的指针:

template<typename data>    
class pointer_to_data
    template<typename ...Arg>
    pointer_to_data(Arg&&... arg)
      : data{std::forward<Arg>(arg)...}
    Data* operator -> ()
        return &data;
      Data data;

Just return the above instead shared_ptr...只需返回上述内容,而不是 shared_ptr ...

See this what-is-the-correct-way-of-using-c11s-range-based-for , section "The special case of proxy iterators".请参阅此what-is-the-correct-way-of-using-c11s-range-based-for部分“代理迭代器的特殊情况”。 It is not possible to define for(auto&e:b) if b is eg std::vector<bool> - because in general it is not possible to have reference to temporary, and this very container is similar to yours in this sense that it has "Special" reference type.如果bstd::vector<bool> ,则无法定义for(auto&e:b) - 因为通常不可能引用临时容器,并且这个容器在这个意义上与您的容器相似具有“特殊”引用类型。

You can try to have special member in your iterator keeping the "return value"- but that would be troublesome - so probably no better that this presented by me solution exist.您可以尝试在迭代器中使用特殊成员来保持“返回值”——但这会很麻烦——所以我提出的解决方案可能不会更好。

您可能可以使用 Eric Niebler 的范围库中的 zip_view https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3

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