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[英]NHibernate Specified method is not supported

I'm developed webapp using S#arpLite to build a query get a list from many tables. 我使用S#arpLite开发了webapp来构建查询以从许多表中获取列表。 that using NHibernate version 使用NHibernate版本3.3.1.4000

I got a error from app when it's running time such as 我在运行时收到来自应用的错误消息,例如

`NHibernate System.NotSupportedException Specified method is not supported. {Name = "PolymorphicQuerySourceDetector" FullName = "NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.PolymorphicQuerySourceDetector"}

   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.PolymorphicQuerySourceDetector.GetClassName(IASTNode querySource)
   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.PolymorphicQuerySourceDetector.Process(IASTNode tree)
   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.AstPolymorphicProcessor.Process()
   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.AstPolymorphicProcessor.Process(IASTNode ast, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory.CreateQueryTranslators(IASTNode ast, String queryIdentifier, String collectionRole, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 filters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory.CreateQueryTranslators(String queryIdentifier, IQueryExpression queryExpression, String collectionRole, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 filters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Engine.Query.HQLExpressionQueryPlan.CreateTranslators(String expressionStr, IQueryExpression queryExpression, String collectionRole, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 enabledFilters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Engine.Query.HQLExpressionQueryPlan..ctor(String expressionStr, IQueryExpression queryExpression, String collectionRole, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 enabledFilters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Engine.Query.HQLExpressionQueryPlan..ctor(String expressionStr, IQueryExpression queryExpression, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 enabledFilters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
   at NHibernate.Engine.Query.QueryPlanCache.GetHQLQueryPlan(IQueryExpression queryExpression, Boolean shallow, IDictionary`2 enabledFilters)
   at NHibernate.Impl.AbstractSessionImpl.GetHQLQueryPlan(IQueryExpression queryExpression, Boolean shallow)
   at NHibernate.Impl.AbstractSessionImpl.CreateQuery(IQueryExpression queryExpression)
   at NHibernate.Linq.DefaultQueryProvider.PrepareQuery(Expression expression, IQuery& query, NhLinqExpression& nhQuery)
   at NHibernate.Linq.DefaultQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression)
   at NHibernate.Linq.DefaultQueryProvider.Execute[TResult](Expression expression)
   at Remotion.Linq.QueryableBase`1.GetEnumerator()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at EzLife.Tasks.EmployeeCudTasks.GetEmployees(List`1 listSkill, List`1 listDepartment, List`1 listAssignment, String searchTerm, String jobtitle, String tier, String competency, Nullable`1 startDate, Nullable`1 endDate, Int32 effort, Nullable`1 active, Int32 currentPage, Int32 pageSize, Int32 sortId, Int32 sortName, Int32 sortTitle, Int32 sortTier, Int32 sortJoinedDate, Int32 sortDepartment) in d:\Projects\EzLife\_source\Ezlife\app\EzLife.Tasks\EmployeeCudTasks.cs:line 206`

Here is my code 这是我的代码

`public static IQueryable GetEmployeesQ(this IQueryable employees, IQueryable employeeTitles, int currentPage,int pageSize)
           var query = from employee in employees
                        join employeeTitle in employeeTitles
                        on employee.Id equals employeeTitle.Employee.Id
                        select new EmployeeDto()
                            Id = employee.Id,
                            CustomCode = employee.CustomCode,
                            FirstName = employee.FirstName,
                            LastName = employee.LastName,
                            MiddleName = employee.MiddleName,
                            FullName = string.Empty,
                            JoinedDate = employee.JoinedDate,
            return query;

public static IQueryable GetEmployeeTitlesQ(this IQueryable employeeTitles) { return from et1 in employeeTitles join et2 in ( from et in employeeTitles orderby et.Employee.Id, et.StartDate group et by et.Employee.Id into etmax select new { Id = etmax.Max(et => et.Id) } ) on et1.Id equals et2.Id select et1; }`

I call GetEmployeeTitlesQ in GetEmployeesQ as : ' public IList GetEmployees(int currentPage = 1, int pageSize = 20) {

IList<EmployeeDto> employees = new List<EmployeeDto>(); IQueryable<EmployeeTitle> employeeTitles = employeeTitleRep.GetAll().GetEmployeeTitlesQ(); IQueryable<EmployeeDto> employeeDto = employeeRep.GetAll().GetEmployeesQ( employeeTitles , jobTitles , currentPage , pageSize); try { employees = employeeDto.ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { var mess = ex.Message.ToString(); } return employees; }

' I guess there is a problem from Max() function but I don't why. '我想Max()函数有问题,但我不为什么。 Is there any way work around to resolve it? 有什么办法可以解决它?

NHibernate cannot translate every LINQ query into SQL. NHibernate无法将每个LINQ查询转换为SQL。 For me it was enough to just rearrange the order of my where and join statements. 对我来说,只需重新排列wherejoin语句的顺序就足够了。

I would suggest the following changes in your code, which helped me get over the very same exception: 我建议您对代码进行以下更改,这有助于我克服同样的异常:

public static IQueryable GetEmployeeTitlesQ(this IQueryable employeeTitles)
    var employeeTitlesEnumerable = employeeTitles.ToArray();
    return from et1 in employeeTitlesEnumerable 
           join et2 in (
               from et in employeeTitlesEnumerable 
               orderby et.Employee.Id, et.StartDate
               group et by et.Employee.Id into etmax
               select new { Id = etmax.Max(et => et.Id) }
           ) on et1.Id equals et2.Id
           select et1;

I have added a call to .ToArray() on the queryable. 我在可查询对象上添加了对.ToArray()的调用。 My experience with FluentNHibernate is that sometimes the returned IQueryable is trying to translate the whole LINQ expression to SQL. 我对FluentNHibernate的经验是,有时返回的IQueryable试图将整个LINQ表达式转换为SQL。 When the query involves objects that cannot be represented as SQL, the error you see will be thrown. 当查询涉及无法用SQL表示的对象时,将抛出您看到的错误。 So, my wild guess here is that the Max call is not recognized as something that NHibernate can properly translate. 因此,我的猜测很简单,那就是Max调用没有被NHibernate正确翻译。

Using .ToArray() (or if you prefer .ToList() ) converts the NHibernate queryable to an instance of IEnumerable which is then processed entirely by the .NET framework. 使用.ToArray() (或者如果您更喜欢.ToList() ),将NHibernate可查询的对象转换为IEnumerable的实例,然后由.NET框架完全处理该实例。 This means that LINQ expressions applied to the IEnumerable will no longer get converted to SQL. 这意味着应用于IEnumerable LINQ表达式将不再转换为SQL。

A side effect of the above, is that you won't be able to perform the whole select as an SQL query against the database. 上面的副作用是,您将无法对数据库执行整个选择作为SQL查询。

The bottom line (at least for me) is that you should carefully order all database-related operations within the NHibernate layer, and when the query is done, convert it to enumerable to prevent potential further LINQ operations from business logic calls to interfere with the IQueryable 's internal specifics. 最重要的是(至少对我来说),您应该仔细地对NHibernate层中所有与数据库相关的操作进行排序,并且在完成查询后,将其转换为可枚举,以防止业务逻辑调用潜在的进一步LINQ操作干扰该操作。 IQueryable的内部细节。

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