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没有Azure帐户的Windows Phone 8.1推送通知(不是Silverlight)

[英]Windows Phone 8.1 Push Notification Without Azure Account (Not Silverlight)

Is it possible to send notifications(toast, tiles, raw) from a server and receive it from Windows Phone 8.1 not using Azure Account(Notification Hub). 是否可以从服务器发送通知(吐司,切片,原始)并从Windows Phone 8.1接收通知而不使用Azure帐户(通知中心)。 I saw examples using 8.1 silverlight but I could not implement within WP 8.1. 我看到了使用8.1 silverlight的示例,但是无法在WP 8.1中实现。

If yes, can you explain simply how, or suggest a document? 如果是,您能否简单解释一下或提出建议?

Yes it is possible you can create your own web service desktop app to do this. 是的,您可以创建自己的Web服务桌面应用程序来执行此操作。

Here is an article from MSDN that explains how... https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh868252.aspx 这是来自MSDN的文章,解释了如何... https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/hh868252.aspx

There are quite a few things you need to setup such as WNS etc. 您需要设置很多东西,例如WNS等。

It is not necessary to using Azure. 不必使用Azure。 You can implement your own notifications server but you should understand how it works first, it's a little bit complicated :) - there is an overview for WP8.1 (Windows Runtime) . 您可以实现自己的通知服务器,但首先应该了解它的工作原理,这有点复杂:)- WP8.1(Windows Runtime)概述

In short: 简而言之:

  1. Your server must be authenticated with Windows Notification Service (WNS): How to here 您的服务器必须通过Windows Notification Service(WNS)进行身份验证: 如何进行
  2. Your WP8.1 app must obtain notification channel (Uri) from Windows Notification Service (WNS) and send it to your server. 您的WP8.1应用必须从Windows通知服务(WNS)获得通知通道(Uri),并将其发送到您的服务器。
  3. Your server should send REST request (POST) with special xml content to channel (Uri) received from your app (WNS mediates in communication). 您的服务器应将具有特殊xml内容的REST请求(POST)发送到从您的应用程序接收的通道(Uri)(WNS进行通信)。
  4. In last step WP app handles notification. 在最后一步中,WP应用处理通知。

More info about communication with WNS on your server side: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465435.aspx 有关在服务器端与WNS进行通信的更多信息: https : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/apps/hh465435.aspx

It's your decision in which technology/platform you'll code it. 您将决定使用哪种技术/平台进行编码。

But there are several solutions provided by third-party push notifications providers . 但是第三方推送通知提供商提供了几种解决方案 Eg. 例如。 Parse - you can send some notifications for free. 解析 -您可以免费发送一些通知。 You'll avoid the problem of creating your own service. 您将避免创建自己的服务的问题。

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