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无法在Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight上使用WNS发送推送通知

[英]Unable to send Push notification using WNS on Windows phone 8.1 Silverlight

We have just upgraded our existing Windows phone 8 Silverlight app to Windows phone 8.1 Silverlight project with the help from here Basically we want to use WNS to send push notification and not MPNS. 在这里的帮助下,我们刚刚将现有的Windows Phone 8 Silverlight应用程序升级到Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight项目。基本上,我们想使用WNS发送推送通知,而不是MPNS。 We changed the notificaiton type to WNS in menifest file. 我们在清单文件中将通知类型更改为WNS。 We added the tile in package.menifest file. 我们在package.menifest文件中添加了图块。

When we are registering the app we get the app id but notification is not being received on the app. 在注册应用程序时,我们会获得应用程序ID,但未在应用程序上收到通知。 We are using Azure notification hub to send the notification using WNS. 我们正在使用Azure通知中心通过WNS发送通知。 When we look at the azure notification explorer it shows the registration but the platform is still MPNS. 当我们查看azure通知浏览器时,它会显示注册信息,但平台仍为MPNS。 Any help will be highly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

I can't seem to open the link, but it seems like on registration, the service is noting the request with platform MPNS. 我似乎无法打开该链接,但似乎在注册时,该服务注意到平台MPNS的请求。 Are you using the client SDKs or using REST directly? 您是使用客户端SDK还是直接使用REST? If REST, I would make sure the platform is set correctly. 如果是REST,我将确保平台设置正确。 You will also need to update the WNS certificate with Notification Hubs in the Azure Portal. 您还需要使用Azure门户中的通知中心更新WNS证书。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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