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[英]Call generic Method with multiple generic Types without specifying every single generic Type

So what I have is a generic Method with multiple generic types.所以我拥有的是一个具有多种泛型类型的泛型方法。

Now I'd like to call this Method this way (using the types of a and b and just specifying the return type):现在我想这样调用这个方法(使用 a 和 b 的类型并只指定返回类型):

class Example

    T1 GenericMethod<T1, T2, T3>(T2 parameter1, T3 parameter2)

        T1 returnValue = default(T1);

        // ... Do something with returnType, parameter1 and parameter2

        return returnValue;

    void AccessGenericMethod()
        var a = new Foo1();
        var b = new Foo2();
        var result = GenericMethod<ReturnType>(a, b); // doesn't work

And i would like to avoid to call GenericMethod this way我想避免以这种方式调用GenericMethod

var result GenericMethod<ReturnType, Foo1, Foo2>(a, b);

In C#, there is no partial type inference: You must either specify all or none of the generic arguments, but the latter only works if the compiler is able to infer all types from context.在 C# 中,没有部分类型推断:您必须指定全部或不指定泛型参数,但后者仅在编译器能够从上下文推断所有类型时才有效。 Return types cannot be infered (except for some special cases such as lambdas), so what you want to do is not possible.无法推断返回类型(除了一些特殊情况,如 lambdas),所以你想要做的事情是不可能的。

Two workarounds:两种解决方法:

A: Move T1 from the method to the class A:将T1从方法移到类

class Example<T1>
    T1 GenericMethod<T2, T3>(T2 parameter1, T3 parameter2)

B: Replace T2 and T3 by object B:用object替换T2T3

class Example
    T1 GenericMethod<T1>(object parameter1, object parameter2)

I found a solution我找到了解决方案

class Example
    T1 GenericMethod<T1, T2, T3>(T2 parameter1, T3 parameter2, out T1 returnValue)
        returnValue = default(T1);

        // ... Do something with returnType, parameter1 and parameter2

        return returnValue = new T1();

    void AccessGenericMethod()
        var a = new Foo1();
        var b = new Foo2();
        GenericMethod(a, b, out ReturnType result1); // work!
        ReturnType result2 = GenericMethod(a, b, out result2);

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