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[英]Akka-HTTP: File Upload

I'm trying to implement a simple file upload using akka http. 我正在尝试使用akka http实现一个简单的文件上传。 My attempt looks as follows: 我的尝试看起来如下:

    import akka.actor.ActorSystem
    import akka.event.{LoggingAdapter, Logging}
    import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
    import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpResponse, HttpRequest}
    import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
    import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
    import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, Materializer}
    import com.typesafe.config.Config
    import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
    import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
    import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
    import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity
    import java.io._
    import akka.stream.io._

    object UploadTest extends App {
      implicit val system = ActorSystem()
      implicit val executor = system.dispatcher
      implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

      val config = ConfigFactory.load()
      val logger = Logging(system, getClass)

      val routes = {
        pathSingleSlash {
          (post & extractRequest) { 
            request => {
              val source = request.entity.dataBytes
              val outFile = new File("/tmp/outfile.dat")
              val sink = SynchronousFileSink.create(outFile)
              complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.OK))

      Http().bindAndHandle(routes, config.getString("http.interface"), config.getInt("http.port"))


There are several issues with this code: 这段代码有几个问题:

  1. Files larger than the configured entity size cannot be uploaded: Request Content-Length 24090745 exceeds the configured limit of 8388608 无法上载大于配置的实体大小的文件: Request Content-Length 24090745 exceeds the configured limit of 8388608
  2. Executing two uploads in a row result in a dead letters encountered. 连续执行两次上传会导致dead letters encountered. exception. 例外。

What is the best way to overcome the size limitations and how can I properly close the file such that a subsequent upload will overwrite the existing file (ignoring concurrent uploads for the moment)? 克服大小限制的最佳方法是什么?如何正确关闭文件,以便后续上传将覆盖现有文件(暂时忽略并发上载)?

For point 2, I think that source.to(sink).run() executes the operation asyschronously. 对于第2点,我认为source.to(sink).run()异步执行操作。 It materialises a Future . 它体现了Future Therefore your HTTP request may return before the file writing has completed, so if you start a second upload at the client as soon as the first request returns, the first one may not have finished writing to the file. 因此,您的HTTP请求可能在文件写入完成之前返回,因此如果您在第一个请求返回后立即在客户端开始第二次上载,则第一个请求可能尚未完成对文件的写入。

You could use the onComplete or onSuccess directive to only complete the http request when the future completes: 您可以使用onCompleteonSuccess指令仅在将来完成时完成http请求:

http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0-M2/scala/http/directives/alphabetically.html http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0-M2/scala/http/directives/alphabetically.html

http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0/scala/http/routing-dsl/directives/future-directives/onSuccess.html http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0/scala/http/routing-dsl/directives/future-directives/onSuccess.html

EDIT: 编辑:

For the content length problem, one thing you can do is increase the size of that property in application.conf . 对于内容长度问题,您可以做的一件事是在application.conf增加该属性的大小。 The default is: 默认为:

akka.server.parsing.max-content-length = 8m

See http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0/java/http/configuration.html http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-and-http-experimental/1.0/java/http/configuration.html

Summarizing mattinbits comments, the follwing solution works: 总结mattinbits评论,以下解决方案的工作原理:

  1. Increasing akka.server.parsing.max-content-length 增加akka.server.parsing.max-content-length
  2. Using onSuccess 使用onSuccess

Here's a snippet of the code: 这是代码的片段:

val routes = {
  pathSingleSlash {
    (post & extractRequest) { 
      request => {
        val source = request.entity.dataBytes
        val outFile = new File("/tmp/outfile.dat")
        val sink = SynchronousFileSink.create(outFile)
        val repl = source.runWith(sink).map(x => s"Finished uploading ${x} bytes!")
        onSuccess(repl) { repl =>
          complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.OK, entity = repl))

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