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[英]How to upload files and get formfields in akka-http

I am trying to upload a file via akka-http, and have gotten it to work with the following snippet我正在尝试通过 akka-http 上传文件,并已使其与以下代码段一起使用

def tempDestination(fileInfo: FileInfo): File =
  File.createTempFile(fileInfo.fileName, ".tmp")

val route =
  storeUploadedFile("csv", tempDestination) {
    case (metadata, file) =>      
      //Do my operation on the file.
      complete("File Uploaded. Status OK")

But I'd also want to send a param1/param2 in the posted form.但我也想以张贴的形式发送一个 param1/param2。

I tried the following, and it works, but I am having to send the parameters via the URL (http://host:port/csv-upload?userid=arvind)我尝试了以下方法,它可以工作,但我必须通过 URL (http://host:port/csv-upload?userid=arvind) 发送参数

(post & path("csv-upload")) {
   storeUploadedFile("csv", tempDestination) {
     case (metadata, file) =>
       parameters('userid) { userid =>
          //logic for processing the file

The restriction on the file size is around 200-300 MB.文件大小的限制约为 200-300 MB。 I added the following property to my conf我将以下属性添加到我的 conf


Is there a way, I can get the parameters via the formFields directive?有没有办法,我可以通过formFields指令获取参数?

I tried the following我尝试了以下

fileUpload("csv") {
        case (metadata, byteSource) =>
          formFields('userid) { userid =>
            onComplete(byteSource.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(metadata.fileName)))) {
              case Success(value) =>
              case Failure(exception) =>

But, with the above code, I hit the following exception但是,使用上面的代码,我遇到了以下异常

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Substream Source cannot be materialized more than once
    at akka.stream.impl.fusing.SubSource$$anon$13.setCB(StreamOfStreams.scala:792)
    at akka.stream.impl.fusing.SubSource$$anon$13.preStart(StreamOfStreams.scala:802)
    at akka.stream.impl.fusing.GraphInterpreter.init(GraphInterpreter.scala:306)
    at akka.stream.impl.fusing.GraphInterpreterShell.init(ActorGraphInterpreter.scala:593)

Thanks, Arvind谢谢, 阿文德

I got this working with sth like:我得到了这样的工作:

  path("upload") {

    formFields(Symbol("payload")) { payload =>
      println(s"Server received request with additional payload: $payload")

      def tempDestination(fileInfo: FileInfo): File = File.createTempFile(fileInfo.fileName, ".tmp.server")

      storeUploadedFile("binary", tempDestination) {
        case (metadataFromClient: FileInfo, uploadedFile: File) =>
          println(s"Server stored uploaded tmp file with name: ${uploadedFile.getName} (Metadata from client: $metadataFromClient)")
          complete(Future(FileHandle(uploadedFile.getName, uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath, uploadedFile.length())))

Full example: https://github.com/pbernet/akka_streams_tutorial/blob/master/src/main/scala/akkahttp/HttpFileEcho.scala完整示例: https://github.com/pbernet/akka_streams_tutorial/blob/master/src/main/scala/akkahttp/HttpFileEcho.scala

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