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[英]Issue with special characters in Python subprocess

I translated this bash one-liner: 我翻译了这个bash单行代码:

awk '/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1' filename2 > filename1  

into this Python code 进入此Python代码

with open('filename1', 'w') as f:
    call(['awk', '/\\\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1', 'filename2'], stdout=f)  

The output file, however, is empty, and it is not when I use the bash. 但是,输出文件为空,当我使用bash时不是。

With this: 有了这个:

call(['awk', r"'/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1'"], stdout=f)

I get 我懂了

awk: '/]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; awk:'/]:$ / {pno = NR; pr​​ec = $ 0; next} pno &&!(/ ^ I / && NR == pno + 1){print prec; pno=0} 1' awk: ^ invalid char ''' in expression pno = 0} 1'awk:^表达式中的无效char'''

Sample Input file: 样本输入文件:

Interval: [ some_value some_value1]:
Interval: [ some_value some_value2]:
some text here1 
some text here2
some text here3
some text here4
Interval: [ some_value some_value3]:
Interval: [ some_value some_value4]:
Interval: [ some_value some_value5]:
Interval: [ some_value some_value6]:
some text here5
some text here6
some text here7
some text here8
Interval: [ some_value some_value7]:
Interval: [ some_value some_value8]:

Sample Output File: 样本输出文件:

Interval: [ some_value some_value2]:
some text here1
some text here2
some text here3
some text here4
Interval: [ some_value some_value6]:
some text here5
some text here6
some text here7
some text here8

I bet you have an issue with your string conversion. 我敢打赌,您的字符串转换有问题。 Python version gives: Python版本提供:

>>> print('/\\\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1')
/\\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1

While the shell version gives. 虽然外壳版本给。

$ echo '/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1'
/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1

You can simplify this kind of stuff using raw string notation: 您可以使用原始字符串表示法简化此类工作:

>>> print(r'/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1')
/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1

From the documentation: 从文档中:

When an r or R prefix is present, backslashes are still used to quote the following character, but all backslashes are left in the string. 当存在rR前缀时,反斜杠仍用于引用以下字符,但是所有反斜杠都保留在字符串中。 For example, the string literal r"\\n" consists of two characters: a backslash and a lowercase `n'. 例如,字符串文字r“ \\ n”由两个字符组成:反斜杠和小写字母'n'。 String quotes can be escaped with a backslash, but the backslash remains in the string; 可以使用反斜杠对字符串引号进行转义,但反斜杠仍保留在字符串中; for example, r"\\"" is a valid string literal consisting of two characters: a backslash and a double quote 例如,r“ \\”“是由两个字符组成的有效字符串文字:反斜杠和双引号

So for your command: 因此,对于您的命令:

call(['awk', r'/\]:$/{pno=NR;prec=$0;next} pno && !(/^I/ && NR==pno+1){print prec; pno=0} 1', filename2], stdout=f)

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