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Maskpass 不区分大小写和特殊字符问题 - Python

[英]Maskpass Case Insensitive and Special Characters Issue - Python

I am using maskpass in Spyder to hide a password input but am having issues with using the Shift key for uppercase letters and special characters.我在 Spyder 中使用 maskpass 来隐藏密码输入,但在使用 Shift 键输入大写字母和特殊字符时遇到问题。

My code for this section is as follows:我这部分的代码如下:

import maskpass
pwd = maskpass.advpass()

During testing, I realized that the input is not reading uppercase letters or special characters (driven by using Shift).在测试期间,我意识到输入不是读取大写字母或特殊字符(使用 Shift 驱动)。 For example, "Abc123."例如,“Abc123”。 is being read in as "abc1231", I tried putting on Caps Lock to handle the uppercase letters.被读取为“abc1231”,我尝试打开 Caps Lock 来处理大写字母。 but that didn't work?但这没有用? Any ideas on why this is and how to fix it?关于为什么会这样以及如何解决它的任何想法? Is maskpass not equipped to handle case sensitive passwords and special characters? maskpass 不具备处理区分大小写密码和特殊字符的能力吗? Thank you!谢谢!

( Spyder maintainer here ) Unfortunately, libraries that hide passwords requested via input don't work in Spyder, sorry. 这里是 Spyder 维护者)不幸的是,隐藏通过input请求的密码的库在 Spyder 中不起作用,抱歉。

This is due to a limitation of the Jupyter architecture to run code, which we also use in Spyder.这是由于 Jupyter 架构运行代码的限制,我们也在 Spyder 中使用它。 So there's nothing to do about it.所以没有什么可做的。

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