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Maskpass Case Insensitive and Special Characters Issue - Python

I am using maskpass in Spyder to hide a password input but am having issues with using the Shift key for uppercase letters and special characters.

My code for this section is as follows:

import maskpass
pwd = maskpass.advpass()

During testing, I realized that the input is not reading uppercase letters or special characters (driven by using Shift). For example, "Abc123." is being read in as "abc1231", I tried putting on Caps Lock to handle the uppercase letters. but that didn't work? Any ideas on why this is and how to fix it? Is maskpass not equipped to handle case sensitive passwords and special characters? Thank you!

( Spyder maintainer here ) Unfortunately, libraries that hide passwords requested via input don't work in Spyder, sorry.

This is due to a limitation of the Jupyter architecture to run code, which we also use in Spyder. So there's nothing to do about it.

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