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[英]Serial communication with arduino using nodejs

Im trying to control the arduino via using nodejs. 我试图通过使用nodejs控制arduino。 My problem is that im trying to write an interger to the arduino but the value won't register. 我的问题是,即时通讯试图向arduino写一个整数,但是该值不会注册。 Can any1 help ? 可以帮忙吗?

The node.js serial communication code: node.js串行通信代码:

var serialport = require("serialport");
var SerialPort = serialport.SerialPort;

var serialPort = new SerialPort("/dev/cu.usbmodem14131", {
  baudrate: 9600,
  parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\n")

serialPort.on("open", function () {
  serialPort.write("45/r/n")            // wrinting offset value to the arduino 
  serialPort.on('data', function(data) {

Here the arduino code" 这里是arduino代码”

 #include <Wire.h>

int offset = 0; 
String inString = "";

void setup()

void loop(){

  Serial.println(offset); //printing the offset 

  while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    int inChar = Serial.read();
      // convert the incoming byte to a char
      // and add it to the string:
      inString += (char)inChar;

    // if you get a newline, print the string,
    // then the string's value:
    if (inChar == '\n') {
      offset = inString.toInt();
      // clear the string for new input:
      inString = "";

} }

I'm not really sure if i'm writing the value the wrong way or receiving it wrong, but arduino code work fine if I manually enter the value in the arduino IDE. 我不太确定我是用错误的方式写入值还是接收到错误的值,但是如果我在arduino IDE中手动输入值,则arduino代码可以正常工作。

Thank you. 谢谢。

I'm not sure about your nodejs code but I think there is an issue with the arduino routine. 我不确定您的nodejs代码,但我认为arduino例程存在问题。 I did notice your nodejs routine is sending /r/n and the Arduino routine is only looking for /n. 我确实注意到您的nodejs例程正在发送/ r / n,而Arduino例程仅在查找/ n。

The while loop you have can completely execute in less then one serial character time so it may be adding 1 second delays between characters. 您拥有的while循环完全可以在不到一个字符的时间内执行,因此可能会使字符之间增加1秒的延迟。

I would structure it to stay in the while loop until a newline is received. 我将其结构保持在while循环中,直到收到换行符为止。 Following example has not been compiled, but demostrates the concept. 以下示例尚未编译,但演示了该概念。 It also filters out the '/r' character. 它还过滤掉“ / r”字符。

int inChar;
void loop(){ 
    // clear the string for new input:
    inString ="";         

    while (inchar!= '\n') {
        while (Serial.available() > 0) { 
            inchar = Serial.read();
            // do you need to filter the '/r' for it to work correctly?
            if (inchar != '/r') {
                // convert the incoming byte to a char
                // and add it to the string:
                inString += (char)inChar;

    // when you receive a newline, print the label and 
    // the string's value:        
    offset = inString.toInt();


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