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[英]R: converting data to an xts object

I had a .csv file containing highfrequency data for SIZ5(silver futures) and I am trying to bring it to an xts object so I can use some of the functions in the "highfrequency" package. 我有一个.csv文件,其中包含SIZ5(白银期货)的高频数据,并且尝试将其带到xts对象,以便可以使用“高频”包中的某些功能。

I loaded the data on R using the read.csv function. 我使用read.csv函数将数据加载到R上。 After doing all the necessary fixes of removing Nas and changing the time format. 完成所有必要的修复后,删除Nas并更改时间格式。

f<-read.csv(file = "SIZ5_20150918_ob2.csv",header = FALSE,sep = "",col.names = c("DateTime","Seq","BP","BQ","BO","AP","AQ","AO","BP1","BQ1","BO1","AP1","AQ1","AO1","BP2","BQ2","BO2","AP2","AQ2","AO2","BP3","BQ3","BO3","AP3","AQ3","AO3","BP4","BQ4","BO4","AP4","AQ4","AO4","BP5","BQ5","BO5","AP5","AQ5","AO5","BP6","BQ6","BO6","AP6","AQ6","AO6","BP7","BQ7","BO7","AP7","AQ7","AO7","BP8","BQ8","BO8","AP8","AQ8","AO8","BP9","BQ9","BO9","AP9","AQ9","AO9"),nrows = 600000)
f$DateTime=as.POSIXct(f$DateTime/(10^9), origin="1970-01-01") #timestamp conversion 


My result is: 我的结果是:

             DateTime      Seq    BP BQ BO    AP AQ AO   BP1 BQ1 BO1   AP1 AQ1 AO1   BP2 BQ2 BO2   AP2 AQ2 AO2   BP3 BQ3 BO3   AP3 AQ3 AO3   BP4 BQ4 BO4   AP4
1 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539422 15110  1  1 15120  4  3 15105   1   1 15125  17   2 15100   4   3 15130   8   2 15095   7   6 15135   3   1 15090  33   3 15140
2 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539422 15110  1  1 15120  4  3 15105   1   1 15125  17   2 15100   4   3 15130   8   2 15095   7   6 15135   3   1 15090  33   3 15140
3 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539422 15110  1  1 15120  2  2 15105   1   1 15125  17   2 15100   4   3 15130   8   2 15095   7   6 15135   3   1 15090  33   3 15140
4 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539479 15115  1  1 15120  2  2 15110   1   1 15125  17   2 15105   1   1 15130   8   2 15100   4   3 15135   3   1 15095   7   6 15140
5 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539480 15115  2  2 15120  2  2 15110   1   1 15125  17   2 15105   1   1 15130   8   2 15100   4   3 15135   3   1 15095   7   6 15140
6 2015-09-17 22:00:00 11539482 15115  2  2 15120  2  2 15110   1   1 15125  17   2 15105   1   1 15130   8   2 15100   4   3 15135   3   1 15095   7   6 15140 

*I have ommited few columns just to be concise *为了简明起见,我省略了几列

Then: 然后:

> as.xts(f2)
Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) : 
  character string is not in a standard unambiguous format

So I tried: 所以我尝试了:

fxts<-xts(f2[,-1],order.by = f2[,1])

But this is what I get: 但这就是我得到的:

                Seq    BP BQ BO    AP AQ AO   BP1 BQ1 BO1   AP1 AQ1 AO1   BP2 BQ2 BO2   AP2 AQ2 AO2   BP3 BQ3 BO3   AP3 AQ3 AO3   BP4 BQ4 BO4   AP4 AQ4 AO4
1970-01-01 12247553     0  0  0     0  0  0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0
1970-01-01 12247553 15025  1  1 15030 11  9 15020  10  10 15035  19  18 15015  18  17 15040  22  19 15010  27  21 15045  23  17 15005  14  13 15050  36  28
1970-01-01 12836196     0  0  0     0  0  0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0
1970-01-01 12836196 15240  1  1 15245  6  5 15235  12  11 15250  11  11 15230  10   9 15255  13  12 15225  12  11 15260  18  16 15220  13  12 15265  16  13
1970-01-01 14167856     0  0  0     0  0  0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0
1970-01-01 14167856 15225 11  9 15230  4  4 15220  19  19 15235  14  14 15215  32  26 15240  27  22 15210  29  25 15245  21  17 15205  24  19 15250  28  22

*again ommitted last few colums *再次省略最后几列

First, the time column doesnt have a header and then all of them are 1970-01-01(origin) without any time associated with it. 首先,时间列没有标题,然后它们都是1970-01-01(origin),没有任何时间与之关联。 Also a bunch of 0s where they shouldnt be. 也是他们不应该在那里的一堆0。 I also tried converting it first to a dataframe using as.data.frame and then converting to xts but I get a similar result as above. 我也尝试过先使用as.data.frame将其转换为数据框,然后再转换为xts,但得到的结果与上述类似。

edit: I just realised that it completely ignores the "Seq" column and is pasting the end of the timestamp(nanoseconds) in the "Seq" column. 编辑:我只是意识到它完全忽略了“ Seq”列,并在“ Seq”列中粘贴了时间戳的结束时间(纳秒)。 Is it reading the row nos. 是否正在读取行号。 as the time stamp in seconds and hence only showing the origin in all of them? 作为时间戳(以秒为单位),因此仅显示所有时间戳的来源?

Am I missing something? 我想念什么吗? Please help. 请帮忙。 Let me know if I need to put up any more information. 让我知道是否需要提供更多信息。

as requested: 按照要求:

'data.frame':   494140 obs. of  62 variables:
 $ DateTime: POSIXct, format: "2015-09-17 22:00:00" "2015-09-17 22:00:00" "2015-09-17 22:00:00" "2015-09-17 22:00:00" ...
 $ Seq     : int  11539422 11539422 11539422 11539479 11539480 11539482 11539555 11539556 11539565 11539565 ...
 $ BP      : int  15110 15110 15110 15115 15115 15115 15115 15115 15115 15115 ...
 $ BQ      : int  1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BO      : int  1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ AP      : int  15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 15120 ...
 $ AQ      : int  4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ AO      : int  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP1     : int  15105 15105 15105 15110 15110 15110 15110 15110 15110 15110 ...
 $ BQ1     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ BO1     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AP1     : int  15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 15125 ...
 $ AQ1     : int  17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 ...
 $ AO1     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP2     : int  15100 15100 15100 15105 15105 15105 15105 15105 15105 15105 ...
 $ BQ2     : int  4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ BO2     : int  3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AP2     : int  15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 15130 ...
 $ AQ2     : int  8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
 $ AO2     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP3     : int  15095 15095 15095 15100 15100 15100 15100 15100 15100 15100 ...
 $ BQ3     : int  7 7 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ BO3     : int  6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ AP3     : int  15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 15135 ...
 $ AQ3     : int  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 ...
 $ AO3     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP4     : int  15090 15090 15090 15095 15095 15095 15095 15095 15095 15095 ...
 $ BQ4     : int  33 33 33 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
 $ BO4     : int  3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
 $ AP4     : int  15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 15140 ...
 $ AQ4     : int  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ AO4     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ BP5     : int  15085 15085 15085 15090 15090 15090 15090 15090 15090 15090 ...
 $ BQ5     : int  1 1 1 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 ...
 $ BO5     : int  1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ AP5     : int  15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 15145 ...
 $ AQ5     : int  4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ AO5     : int  4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ BP6     : int  15080 15080 15080 15085 15085 15085 15085 15085 15085 15085 ...
 $ BQ6     : int  2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
 $ BO6     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
 $ AP6     : int  15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 15150 ...
 $ AQ6     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ AO6     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP7     : int  15075 15075 15075 15080 15080 15080 15080 15080 15080 15080 ...
 $ BQ7     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BO7     : int  2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AP7     : int  15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 15160 ...
 $ AQ7     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ AO7     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP8     : int  15070 15070 15070 15075 15075 15075 15075 15075 15075 15075 ...
 $ BQ8     : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 ...
 $ BO8     : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 ...
 $ AP8     : int  15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 15165 ...
 $ AQ8     : int  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ AO8     : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ BP9     : int  0 15060 15060 15070 15070 15070 15070 15070 15070 15070 ...
 $ BQ9     : int  0 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ BO9     : int  0 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AP9     : int  15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 15170 ...
 $ AQ9     : int  6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 ...
 $ AO9     : int  1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...

EDIT(25/11/15): 编辑(15/11/15):

midpoint.agg<- function(file, skip = 0, lines = 50000, on = "minutes", k = 5){
  whole_data<- read.csv(file = file,header = FALSE,sep = "",col.names = c("DateTime","Seq","BP","BQ","BO","AP","AQ","AO","BP1","BQ1","BO1","AP1","AQ1","AO1","BP2","BQ2","BO2","AP2","AQ2","AO2","BP3","BQ3","BO3","AP3","AQ3","AO3","BP4","BQ4","BO4","AP4","AQ4","AO4","BP5","BQ5","BO5","AP5","AQ5","AO5","BP6","BQ6","BO6","AP6","AQ6","AO6","BP7","BQ7","BO7","AP7","AQ7","AO7","BP8","BQ8","BO8","AP8","AQ8","AO8","BP9","BQ9","BO9","AP9","AQ9","AO9"),nrows = lines,skip = skip)
  whole_data$DateTime= as.POSIXct(whole_data$DateTime/(10^9), origin="1970-01-01")    #timestamp conversion 
  completecase<- whole_data[complete.cases(whole_data),]
  p<- data.frame(DateTime=completecase$DateTime, BP=completecase$BP, AP=completecase$AP, MP=(completecase$BP+completecase$AP)/2)  #midpoint dataframe
  my_xts<- as.xts(x = p$MP,order.by = p$DateTime)
  myagg<-aggregatets(my_xts, on = on, k = k)

Link to file : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BwwnLqZcphbEb09qa0hzVUlQdGs&usp=sharing 链接到文件: https : //drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BwwnLqZcphbEb09qa0hzVUlQdGs&usp=sharing

So I am uploading the data file on google drive as requested. 因此,我正在根据要求将数据文件上传到Google驱动器上。 Ive changed my approach a little bit, in terms of how I come to the end but am still looking for the same ouput and am facing the same problem. 就结束方式而言,我已经稍微改变了自己的方法,但是我仍在寻找相同的输出并且面临着相同的问题。 And its even more weird now. 现在更奇怪了。

Like I said in my original post, I have a file of a days worth of high frequency data for SIZ5 but now instead of running my functions on the entire file I have split it up into different files with 50000rows of data for each file.(you will see in the data folder I upload). 就像我在原始帖子中所说的那样,我有一个为期一天的SIZ5高频数据文件,但现在不是在整个文件上运行函数,而是将其拆分为不同的文件,每个文件有50000行数据。(您会在我上传的数据文件夹中看到)。 The files are named "split_aa.csv", "split_ab.csv" and so on. 这些文件名为“ split_aa.csv”,“ split_ab.csv”,依此类推。

When I run my midpoint.agg(given above) function for the first file. 当我运行第一个文件的midpoint.agg(如上所述)函数时。 It runs perfectly and produces exactly what I want: 它运行完美,并产生出我想要的东西:

> a<- midpoint.agg("split_aa.csv")
> head(a)
2015-09-18 03:35:00 15122.5
2015-09-18 03:40:00 15117.5
2015-09-18 03:45:00 15110.0
2015-09-18 03:50:00 15112.5
2015-09-18 03:55:00 15117.5
2015-09-18 04:00:00 15117.5
> length(a)
[1] 86

But then when I run it on the "split-ab.csv" for some reason the xts function reads the first few time stamps as the origin date of 1970/01/01 and then aggregates the data from there. 但是随后由于某种原因在“ split-ab.csv”上运行它时,xts函数读取前几个时间戳作为1970/01/01的起始日期,然后从那里汇总数据。 Hence "b" contains 4808544 rows and is a 73.4mb xts object: 因此,“ b”包含4808544行,并且是73.4mb xts对象:

> b<- midpoint.agg("split_ab.csv")
> head(b)
1970-01-01 05:35:00 15027.5
1970-01-01 05:40:00 15027.5
1970-01-01 05:45:00 15027.5
1970-01-01 05:50:00 15027.5
1970-01-01 05:55:00 15027.5
1970-01-01 06:00:00 15027.5
> length(b)
[1] 4808544

I am lost as to why this is happening. 我不知道为什么会这样。 Its even more weird that it happens with a few files in the folder and not with the rest. 更奇怪的是,该事件只发生在文件夹中的几个文件上,而不是其余的文件上。 I have pinpointed that the problem occurs at the as.xts function, when it tries to convert the "p" data frame to an xts object. 我已经指出,当它试图将“ p”数据帧转换为xts对象时,该问题会出现在as.xts函数上。 The first few rows then read 1970-01-01 and then converges back to normality. 然后,前几行读为1970-01-01,然后收敛到正常值。 I even tried splitting the data into 100,000 rows each instead of 50,000 and I still face the same problem. 我什至尝试将数据分别分成100,000行而不是50,000行,但我仍然面临相同的问题。 I suspected, like many people suggested, it might be a problem with the data but I cant seem to pinpoint where the problem is or if its even the data at all. 我怀疑,就像许多人建议的那样,这可能是数据问题,但我似乎无法查明问题出在哪里,甚至根本就不是数据。 A few more eyes on it would be of great help. 再多加一点关注将有很大帮助。

Please let me know if any additional information is needed. 请让我知道是否需要其他信息。

It is not true that, "the xts function reads the first few time stamps as the origin date of 1970/01/01". 并不是“ xts函数读取前几个时间戳作为1970/01/01的起始日期”。 xts orders all the timestamps in your file. XTS 订单在文件中的所有时间戳。 If any of them are zero, they will be the first observations in the xts object. 如果它们中的任何一个为零,它们将是xts对象中的第一个观测值。

As I suspected, the data in your CSV is not what you expect. 正如我所怀疑的那样,CSV中的数据不是您期望的。 In file "split_ab.csv", lines 23669 and 23670 have timestamps of 0. 在文件“ split_ab.csv”中,第23669和23670行的时间戳为0。

1442558305629290858 12247553 15025 8 7 15030 5 3 15020 12 11 15035 16 16 15015 20 18 15040 21 18 15010 27 21 15045 24 18 15005 14 13 15050 36 28 15000 23 17 15055 21 20 14995 11 10 15060 24 23 14990 32 10 15065 16 14 14985 8 7 15070 13 10 14980 12 9 15075 15 13
0 12247553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 12247553 15025 1 1 15030 11 9 15020 10 10 15035 19 18 15015 18 17 15040 22 19 15010 27 21 15045 23 17 15005 14 13 15050 36 28 15000 23 17 15055 21 20 14995 11 10 15060 24 23 14990 32 10 15065 16 14 14985 8 7 15070 13 10 14980 12 9 15075 15 13
1442558318615424792 12248063 15025 1 1 15030 11 9 15020 10 10 15035 19 18 15015 19 18 15040 22 19 15010 27 21 15045 23 17 15005 14 13 15050 36 28 15000 23 17 15055 21 20 14995 11 10 15060 24 23 14990 32 10 15065 16 14 14985 8 7 15070 13 10 14980 12 9 15075 15 13

You need to clean your data before converting to an xts object. 您需要先清理数据,然后再转换为xts对象。 I don't know enough about your data to help you decide what to do with rows that have a timestamp of zero. 我对您的数据了解不足,无法帮助您决定如何处理时间戳为零的行。

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