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优先级队列排序[C ++]

[英]priority queue sort [C++]

I have an assignment due and it requires me to add a sorting method to a priority-queue that I did for my last assignment. 我要交一个作业,这要求我向我上次作业所做的优先级队列添加排序方法。

Well, I did add the sort function, but I'm not sure how to complete my main with it since it seems like main already sorts the queue. 好吧,我确实添加了sort函数,但是我不确定如何用它完成我的main,因为main似乎已经对队列进行了排序。 I do have an example of what main could look like but I believe the professor wants us to work with what we submitted before so I am stuck on what to do. 我确实有一个主要的样子的例子,但我相信教授希望我们处理之前提交的内容,因此我坚持要做的事情。 Please help. 请帮忙。

Oh, and I did get a point taken away for my last assignment and all he left for a comment was "Segmentation fault while making calls to enqueue()". 哦,我的上次作业没有加分,他只剩下一个要发表评论的内容:“在调用enqueue()时出现段错误。” I sent him an email what that means, he did not reply back (gave out grades yesterday). 我给他发送了一封电子邮件,这意味着什么,他没有回复(昨天取消了成绩)。 I think the error comes from not calling malloc on line 90. 我认为错误是由于第90行未调用malloc

#include <stdlib.h> //NEEDED TO RUN calloc
#include <cstdio> // NEEDED TO RUN perror
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// c-style struct
// node used to implement linked list
typedef struct _node
    int value;
    struct _node *next;

/* Standard Stack LIFO ADT */
class Priority_Queue

    /* tracks number of nodes in Priority_Queue */
    int nNodes;
    /* keeps track of first node in Priority_Queue */
    node *head;
    void     sort( void ); //Sort linked list using selection sorting algorithm

    //anything above public is private

        Priority_Queue( void ); //find a constructor everytime the user             extanjiates Priority_Queue object.

        void    enqueue( int );  //insert node/ enqueue on an integer.
        void    dequeue( void );  //remove node/ dequeue off node from the top.
        bool    empty( void );  //test whether Priority_Queue is empty
        int     size( void );  //return size
        int     top( void );  // access top of the Priority_Queue/ next node.
        int     back( void );

/* init head and nNodes */
Priority_Queue::Priority_Queue( void )
    head = NULL; //everytime a user enstantiates one of the Priority_Queues
    nNodes = 0; // so we know how many nodes are sitting on our Priority_Queue.

/* place new node at top of Priority_Queue */
void Priority_Queue::enqueue( int value ) //enqueue on a value/ user wants     to place a Priority_Queue

    if( head == NULL )
        if(( head = (node*)calloc(1, sizeof(node))) == NULL )
            perror( "Could not calloc memory" );
            head->value = value;
            nNodes++; // increase the number of nodes in link list
        node *temp;

        if( ( temp = (node*)malloc( sizeof( node ) ) ) == NULL ) //malloc     because both values for stut will be set immediatly
            perror( "Could not malloc memory" );
            temp->value = value;  //
            node* p = head;

            if ( value<head->value )
                temp -> next = head;
                head = temp;
                temp = NULL;
            while (p->next != NULL && p->next->value<value )
                p = p-> next; // p is pointintint to the next node
            temp->next = p->next;
            p->next = temp;
            temp = NULL;
            nNodes++; // increase the number of nodes in link list
        //malloc( sizeof (node));


/* remove the first node from top of Priority_Queue */
void Priority_Queue::dequeue( void )
    node *temp;

    if( head != NULL ) // allow users to keep calling dequeue even if it is empty
        temp = head;
        head = head->next; // head is now pointing to 3

        free( temp );
        temp = NULL;

        nNodes--; //decrease node count for the Priority_Queue


/* return true if Priority_Queue is empty */
bool Priority_Queue::empty( void )
    return ( head == NULL ); //valuated as true or false.

/* return number of nodes in Priority_Queue */
int Priority_Queue::size( void )

/* return value of node at top of Priority_Queue */
int Priority_Queue::top( void )
    return head->value; // PLACING RESPONSIBILITY ON USER TO REMEMBER 28:00 part1

int Priority_Queue::back( void )
    node *p = head;
    while (p->next != NULL)
        p = p->next;
    return p->value; //

void Priority_Queue::sort( void )
        node *temp;
    bool onward = true; //while loop set to true
    //compare each pair of adjacent elements
    //switches elements if in wrong order
    //Continues operations until elements are sorted.
    while( onward )
        // onward set to false so just in case it is sorted, it will loop through the elements.
        for( temp = head, onward = false; temp->next != NULL; temp = temp->next )
            //Check to see if current element is greater than the next
            if( temp->value > temp->next->value )
                //swapping current elements value
                int a = temp->value;
                temp->value = temp->next->value;
                temp->next->value = a;
                onward = true; //

int main( void )
    /* instantiate new Priority_Queue */
    Priority_Queue my_Priority_Queue = Priority_Queue();
    int i = 0;
    /* enqueue some values onto Priority_Queue */
    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
        my_Priority_Queue.enqueue( i );
    /* print values stored in Priority_Queue until Priority_Queue is empty */
    while( !my_Priority_Queue.empty() )
        cout << "Value: " << my_Priority_Queue.top() << endl; // Give access to the top of the Priority_Queue.
        my_Priority_Queue.dequeue();    // dequeue the top off so to see a different node at the top in the next line.
        cout << "Node Count: " << my_Priority_Queue.size() << endl << endl;

    return 0;

A priority queue will normally have a function to get the highest priority element. 优先级队列通常具有获取最高优先级元素的功能。

To sort all the elements, all you need to do is pop the elements one by one, and they will be in sorted order. 要对所有元素进行排序,您需要做的就是将元素一个接一个地弹出,它们将按照排序的顺序排列。

Normally, a priority queue is implemented as a heap, and a sorting algorithm using a heap as a priority queue is called heapsort. 通常,将优先级队列实现为堆,将使用堆作为优先级队列的排序算法称为堆排序。

Since you haven't given your priority queue code, using the std::priority_queue as an example, here is how you would get a sorted list of elements: 由于没有给您优先级队列代码,因此以std :: priority_queue为例,以下是获取元素排序列表的方法:

template<class T, class Container, class Compare>
std::vector<T> get_sorted(std::priority_queue<T, Container, Compare> pq)
  std::vector<T> sorted;
  while (!pq.empty())
  return sorted;

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