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[英]Plotting a chain of spheres with gnuplot

From a function in C++ I get in a file the coordinates of the centers of a chain of spheres (of constant radius r ). 从C ++函数中我得到一个球体中心坐标(半径为r )。 I would like to plot this chain with gnuplot. 我想用gnuplot绘制这个链。 How can I represent the spheres with the true radius? 如何用真实半径表示球体? This solution actually does not work, since the unit of pointsize is not the same as that of the axis (and is also changing with the axis limits). 该解决方案实际上不起作用,因为pointsize的单位与轴的单位不同(并且也随着轴限制而变化)。

This a slightly dirty solution which uses parametric (and some commands from Unix). 这是一个稍微脏的解决方案,它使用parametric (以及Unix的一些命令)。 For each line of the following data, we will plot a sphere with radius r , and centered at (x,y,z) : 对于以下数据的每一行,我们将绘制一个半径为r的球体,并以(x,y,z)

# points.dat :
# x y z radius 
0 0 0 0.5
1 2 2 1.0
3 4 5 0.7
2 5 7 1.0
1 3 4 0.75
2 0 1 1.5

In other words, we will run commands with the form: 换句话说,我们将使用以下形式运行命令:

splot x1+r1*cos(v)*cos(u), y1+r1*cos(v)*sin(u), z1+r1*sin(v) title "line 1",\
      x2+r2*cos(v)*cos(u), y2+r2*cos(v)*sin(u), z2+r2*sin(v) title "line 2", ...

The following code will do the trick (comments through the script): 以下代码将执行操作(通过脚本注释):

set view equal xyz           # to scale the axes of the plot
set hidden3d front           # draw opaque spheres
set parametric               # enable parametric mode with angles (u,v)
set urange [0:2*pi]          
set vrange [-pi/2.0:pi/2.0]

filename = 'spheres.dat'

# get number of data-lines in filename
nlines   = system(sprintf('grep -v ^# %s | wc -l', filename))

# this will save the plot commands
commands = 'splot '
do for [i=1:nlines] {
   # get the i-th line
   line = system( sprintf('grep -v ^# %s | awk "NR == %i {print; exit}" ', filename, i) )

   # extract the data
   x = word(line,1)
   y = word(line,2)
   z = word(line,3)
   r = word(line,4)

   # and save the instructions to plot the corresponding sphere 
   commands = commands . sprintf('%s + %s*cos(v)*cos(u), %s + %s*cos(v)*sin(u), %s + %s*sin(v)  t "line %i"', x, r, y, r, z, r, i)

   # if not EOF, add a comma to commands
   if(i<nlines) { commands = commands . ',  ' }

# commands is a string. We can run it into the command line through macros
set macros

This is the output I obtain: 这是我获得的输出:


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