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JOOQ 生成器:缺少名称

[英]JOOQ generator: Missing name

I'm trying to setup JOOQ with Postgres and Gradle.我正在尝试使用 Postgres 和 Gradle 设置 JOOQ。

Whenever I run the generate task I get ~ 20 Ambiguous type names :每当我运行生成任务时,我都会得到 ~ 20 个Ambiguous type names

Ambiguous type name: The object pg_catalog.generate_series generates a type one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries which conflicts with the existing type one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries on some operating systems.类型名称不明确: object pg_catalog.generate_series 生成一个类型 one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries,它与某些操作系统上的现有类型 one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries 冲突。 Use a custom generator strategy to disambiguate the types.使用自定义生成器策略来消除类型歧义。 Ambiguous type name: The object pg_catalog.generate_series generates a type one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries which conflicts with the existing type one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries on some operating systems.类型名称不明确: object pg_catalog.generate_series 生成一个类型 one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries,它与某些操作系统上的现有类型 one.dbtest.db.pg_catalog.tables.GenerateSeries 冲突。 Use a custom generator strategy to disambiguate the types.使用自定义生成器策略来消除类型歧义。

and hundreds of these:还有数百个:

Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_all holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_any holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_any holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_ge holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_ge holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_all holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_any holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_exists_any holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_ge holds a column在 position 没有名字 1 缺少名字:Object jsonb_ge 拥有一个在 position 没有名字的列 2 缺少名字
: Object jsonb_gt holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_gt holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_hash holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_in holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name : Object jsonb_gt holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_gt holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_hash holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_in holds a column without a姓名在 position 1 缺少姓名
: Object jsonb_le holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_le holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_lt holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_lt holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name : Object jsonb_le holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_le holds a column without a name at position 2 Missing name: Object jsonb_lt holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_lt holds a column without a姓名在 position 2 缺少姓名
: Object jsonb_ne holds a column without a name at position 1 Missing name: Object jsonb_ne holds a column without a name at position 2 : Object jsonb_ne 在 position 拥有一个没有名字的列 1 缺少名字: Object jsonb_ne 在 position 拥有一个没有名字的列 2

Do I need to exclude the pg* types?我需要排除 pg* 类型吗?

The generate task is taken from the JOOQ samples:生成任务取自 JOOQ 示例:

task generate << {
  def writer = new StringWriter()
  def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
    .configuration("xmlns": "http://www.jooq.org/xsd/jooq-codegen-3.7.0.xsd") {
    jdbc() {
    generator() {
      database() {
        name { mkp.yield( 'org.jooq.util.postgres.PostgresDatabase' ) }
      generate() {}
      target() {

  //println writer.toString()

        new StringReader(writer.toString()),

Updated: DB is pagila from http://pgfoundry.org/projects/dbsamples更新:DB 是来自http://pgfoundry.org/projects/dbsamples 的 pagila

For Postgres you also have to specify the input schema, so it's: 对于Postgres,您还必须指定输入模式,因此它是:

generator() {
  database() {
    name { mkp.yield( 'org.jooq.util.postgres.PostgresDatabase' ) }

Add <inputSchema>public</inputSchema> in <database> block in your pom.xml file if you have added <name>org.jooq.meta.postgres.PostgresDatabase</name> in generator.如果在生成器中添加了<name>org.jooq.meta.postgres.PostgresDatabase</name> ,则在 pom.xml 文件的<database>块中添加 <inputSchema <inputSchema>public</inputSchema> public</inputSchema> 。

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