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[英]What are the consequences of disabling relation generation in the JOOQ generator?

I can disable identity, foreign key, and unique key generation in the JOOQ generator by setting the following configuration options : 我可以通过设置以下配置选项来禁用JOOQ生成器中的标识,外键和唯一键生成:

  <!-- Primary key / foreign key relations should be generated and used.
       This is a prerequisite for various advanced features.
       Defaults to true -->

Despite the FK/UK information not being present in the meta-model, what exactly are the consequences of disabling this generation? 尽管元模型中没有FK / UK信息,但是禁用这一代人的后果到底是什么? Which features of JOOQ itself depend upon this information? JOOQ本身的哪些功能取决于此信息?

Essentially, most of the features documented in the manual's section about CRUD will be unavailable to you: 本质上,您将无法使用手册中有关CRUD的部分中记录的大多数功能:

http://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/sql-execution/crud-with-updatablerecords/ http://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/sql-execution/crud-with-updatablerecords/

Primary keys 主键

Without knowledge about primary keys, there are no UpdatableRecord . 没有主键知识,就没有UpdatableRecord Ie, you will not be able to write things like: 即,您将无法编写以下内容:

// This works:
MyTableRecord record =

// These won't work:

// This will still work:

Foreign keys 外键

Foreign key information is currently used in only a few places in jOOQ, among others, navigation methods : 目前,jOOQ中仅在少数几个地方使用外键信息,其中包括导航方法

BookRecord book = DSL.using(configuration)

// This won't work
AuthorRecord author = book.fetchParent(FK_BOOK_AUTHOR);

There are also plans to enhance the code generator to generate such navigation methods ( #4210 ), which means that the following won't work: 还计划增强代码生成器以生成此类导航方法( #4210 ),这意味着以下操作无效:

// This won't work
AuthorRecord author = book.fetchFkBookAuthor();

Or, the synthetic JOIN ON KEY clause: 或者,合成的JOIN ON KEY子句:


There will be other features depending on the availability of constraint information in the future, but ordinary SQL statements aren't affected. 将来还会有其他功能,具体取决于约束信息的可用性,但是普通的SQL语句不受影响。

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