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[英]How to add multiple generic type constraints in Swift?

I have the following declaration: 我有以下声明:

     <Model: ManagedObject, Cell: UITableViewCell where Cell: ConfigurableCell> :
       NSObject, UITableViewDataSource 

I want to put a constraint on the Model type. 我想对Model类型施加约束。 Something like this: 像这样:

  <Model: ManagedObject where Model: ManagedObjectType,  
   Cell: UITableViewCell where Cell: ConfigurableCell> : 
      NSObject, UITableViewDataSource 

How can I do that in Swift 2.0? 如何在Swift 2.0中做到这一点?

Put it like this instead, 这样说吧

  <Model:ManagedObject, Cell: UITableViewCell 
     where Model:ManagedObjectType, Cell:ConfigurableCell>:  

All generic types should to be first declared separated with delimeter(comma) and then constraints should be provided later and each constraint also should be separated with comma. 应该首先声明所有通用类型,并用delimeter(逗号)分隔,然后再提供约束,每个约束也应以逗号分隔。 All the constraints has to be fulfilled in order for it to work. 为了使它起作用,必须满足所有约束。

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