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[英]Splitting a single column into multiple observation using R

I am working on HCUP data and this has range of values in one single column that needs to be split into multiple columns. 我正在研究HCUP数据,它在一个列中有一系列值,需要拆分成多列。 Below is the HCUP data frame for reference : 以下是HCUP数据框供参考:

code            label
61000-61003     excision of CNS
0169T-0169T     ventricular shunt

The desired output should be : 期望的输出应该是:

code            label
61000           excision of CNS
61001           excision of CNS
61002           excision of CNS
61003           excision of CNS
0169T           ventricular shunt

My approach to this problem is using the package splitstackshape and using this code 我解决这个问题的方法是使用包splitstackshape并使用此代码


cSplit(hcup, "code", "-")[, list(code = code_1:code_2, by = label)]

This approach leads to memory issues. 这种方法会导致内存问题。 Is there a better approach to this problem? 有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题?

Some comments : 一些评论:

  • The data has many letters apart from "T". 除“T”之外,数据有许多字母。
  • The letter can be either in the front or at the very end but not in between two numbers. 这封信可以在前面或最后但不在两个数字之间。
  • There is no change of letter from "T" to "U" in one single range 在一个范围内,“T”到“U”的字母没有变化

Here's a solution using dplyr and all.is.numeric from Hmisc : 这是使用来自Hmisc dplyrall.is.numeric的解决方案:

dat %>% separate(code, into=c("code1", "code2")) %>%
        rowwise %>%
        mutate(lists = ifelse(all.is.numeric(c(code1, code2)),
                         list(as.character(seq(from = as.numeric(code1), to = as.numeric(code2)))),
                         list(code1))) %>%
        unnest(lists) %>%
        select(code = lists, label)

Source: local data frame [5 x 2]

   code             label
  (chr)            (fctr)
1 61000   excision of CNS
2 61001   excision of CNS
3 61002   excision of CNS
4 61003   excision of CNS
5 0169T ventricular shunt

An edit to fix ranges with character values. 用于修复具有字符值的范围的编辑。 Brings down the simplicity a little: 简单介绍一下简单:

dff %>% mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
        separate(code, into=c("code1", "code2")) %>%
        group_by(row) %>%
        summarise(lists = if(all.is.numeric(c(code1, code2)))
                                   seq(from = as.numeric(code1), to = as.numeric(code2))),
                                         nchar(code1), pad="0"))}
                          else if(grepl("^[0-9]", code1))
                                   seq(from = extract_numeric(code1), to = extract_numeric(code2))),
                                      strsplit(code1, "[0-9]+")[[1]][2]),
                                         nchar(code1), pad = "0"))}
                                      strsplit(code1, "[0-9]+")[[1]],
                                    seq(from = extract_numeric(code1), to = extract_numeric(code2))),
                                         nchar(gsub("[^0-9]", "", code1)), pad="0")))},
                   label = first(label)) %>%
        unnest(lists) %>%
Source: local data frame [15 x 2]

               label lists
               (chr) (chr)
1    excision of CNS 61000
2    excision of CNS 61001
3    excision of CNS 61002
4  ventricular shunt 0169T
5  ventricular shunt 0170T
6  ventricular shunt 0171T
7    excision of CNS 01000
8    excision of CNS 01001
9    excision of CNS 01002
10    some procedure A2543
11    some procedure A2544
12    some procedure A2545
13    some procedure A0543
14    some procedure A0544
15    some procedure A0545

data: 数据:

dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61002", "0169T-0171T", "01000-01002", 
"A2543-A2545", "A0543-A0545"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "some procedure", "some procedure")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")

Original Answer: See below for update. 原答案:请参阅下面的更新。

First, I made your example data a little more challenging by adding the first row to the bottom. 首先,通过将第一行添加到底部,我使您的示例数据更具挑战性。

dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61003", "0169T-0169T", "61000-61003"
), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", "excision of CNS"
)), .Names = c("code", "label"), row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")

#          code             label
# 1 61000-61003   excision of CNS
# 2 0169T-0169T ventricular shunt
# 3 61000-61003   excision of CNS

We can use the sequence operator : to get the sequences for the code column, wrapping with tryCatch() so we can avoid an error on, and save the values that cannot be sequenced. 我们可以使用序列运算符:获取code列的序列,使用tryCatch()包装,这样我们就可以避免错误,并保存无法排序的值。 First we split the values by the dash mark - then run it through lapply() . 首先,我们用破折号标记值-然后通过lapply()运行它。

xx <- lapply(
    strsplit(dff$code, "-", fixed = TRUE), 
    function(x) tryCatch(x[1]:x[2], warning = function(w) x)
data.frame(code = unlist(xx), label = rep(dff$label, lengths(xx)))
#     code             label
# 1  61000   excision of CNS
# 2  61001   excision of CNS
# 3  61002   excision of CNS
# 4  61003   excision of CNS
# 5  0169T ventricular shunt
# 6  0169T ventricular shunt
# 7  61000   excision of CNS
# 8  61001   excision of CNS
# 9  61002   excision of CNS
# 10 61003   excision of CNS

We're trying to apply the sequence operator : to each element from strsplit() , and if taking x[1]:x[2] is not possible then this returns just the values for those elements and proceeds with the sequence x[1]:x[2] otherwise. 我们试图将序列运算符:应用于来自strsplit()每个元素,如果采用x[1]:x[2]是不可能的,那么这将只返回这些元素的值并继续执行序列x[1]:x[2]否则。 Then we just replicate the values of the label column based on the resulting lengths in xx to get the new label column. 然后,我们只需根据xx的结果长度复制label列的值,即可获得新的label列。

Update: Here is what I've come up with in response to your edit. 更新:以下是我为响应您的编辑而提出的问题。 Replace xx above with 用上面的xx替换

xx <- lapply(strsplit(dff$code, "-", TRUE), function(x) {
    s <- stringi::stri_locate_first_regex(x, "[A-Z]")
    nc <- nchar(x)[1L]
    fmt <- function(n) paste0("%0", n, "d")
    if(!all(is.na(s))) {
        ss <- s[1,1]
        fmt <- fmt(nc-1)
        if(ss == 1L) {
            xx <- substr(x, 2, nc)
            paste0(substr(x, 1, 1), sprintf(fmt, xx[1]:xx[2]))
        } else {
            xx <- substr(x, 1, ss-1)
            paste0(sprintf(fmt, xx[1]:xx[2]), substr(x, nc, nc))
    } else {
        sprintf(fmt(nc), x[1]:x[2])

Yep, it's complicated. 是的,这很复杂。 Now if we take the following data frame df2 as a test case 现在,如果我们将以下数据帧df2作为测试用例

df2 <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61003", "0169T-0174T", "61000-61003", 
"T0169-T0174"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame") 

and run the xx code from above on it, we can get the following result. 并从上面运行xx代码,我们可以得到以下结果。

data.frame(code = unlist(xx), label = rep(df2$label, lengths(xx)))
#     code             label
# 1  61000   excision of CNS
# 2  61001   excision of CNS
# 3  61002   excision of CNS
# 4  61003   excision of CNS
# 5  0169T ventricular shunt
# 6  0170T ventricular shunt
# 7  0171T ventricular shunt
# 8  0172T ventricular shunt
# 9  0173T ventricular shunt
# 10 0174T ventricular shunt
# 11 61000   excision of CNS
# 12 61001   excision of CNS
# 13 61002   excision of CNS
# 14 61003   excision of CNS
# 15 T0169 ventricular shunt
# 16 T0170 ventricular shunt
# 17 T0171 ventricular shunt
# 18 T0172 ventricular shunt
# 19 T0173 ventricular shunt
# 20 T0174 ventricular shunt

Create a sequencing rule for such codes: 为此类代码创建排序规则:

seq_code <- function(from,to){

    ext = function(x, part) gsub("([^0-9]?)([0-9]*)([^0-9]?)", paste0("\\",part), x)

    pre = unique(sapply(list(from,to), ext, part = 1 ))
    suf = unique(sapply(list(from,to), ext, part = 3 ))

    if (length(pre) > 1 | length(suf) > 1){

    num = do.call(seq, lapply(list(from,to), function(x) as.integer(ext(x, part = 2))))
    len = nchar(from)-nchar(pre)-nchar(suf)

    paste0(pre, sprintf(paste0("%0",len,"d"), num), suf)


With @jeremycg's example: 以@ jeremycg为例:

  label = label[1], 
  code  = do.call(seq_code, tstrsplit(code,'-'))
), by=.(row=seq(nrow(dff)))]

which gives 这使

    row             label  code
 1:   1   excision of CNS 61000
 2:   1   excision of CNS 61001
 3:   1   excision of CNS 61002
 4:   2 ventricular shunt 0169T
 5:   2 ventricular shunt 0170T
 6:   2 ventricular shunt 0171T
 7:   3   excision of CNS 01000
 8:   3   excision of CNS 01001
 9:   3   excision of CNS 01002
10:   4    some procedure A2543
11:   4    some procedure A2544
12:   4    some procedure A2545
13:   5    some procedure A0543
14:   5    some procedure A0544
15:   5    some procedure A0545

Data copied from @jeremycg's answer: 从@ jeremycg的答案复制的数据:

dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61002", "0169T-0171T", "01000-01002", 
"A2543-A2545", "A0543-A0545"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "some procedure", "some procedure")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")

If you're patient enough, you'd probably parse the strings into separate pieces instead of the eval/parse trick, alas I'm not, so: 如果你足够耐心,你可能会将字符串解析成单独的部分,而不是eval / parse技巧,唉,我不是,所以:

fancy.seq = function(x) eval(parse(text=sub(', \\)', ')', sub('\\(, ', '(',
                           formatC(\\1:\\4, width=log10(\\4)+1, format="d", flag="0"),
# using example from jeremycg's answer
dt[, .(fancy.seq(code), label), by = 1:nrow(dt)]
#    nrow    V1             label
# 1:    1 61000   excision of CNS
# 2:    1 61001   excision of CNS
# 3:    1 61002   excision of CNS
# 4:    2 0169T ventricular shunt
# 5:    2 0170T ventricular shunt
# 6:    2 0171T ventricular shunt
# 7:    3 01000   excision of CNS
# 8:    3 01001   excision of CNS
# 9:    3 01002   excision of CNS
#10:    4 A2543    some procedure
#11:    4 A2544    some procedure
#12:    4 A2545    some procedure
#13:    5 A0543    some procedure
#14:    5 A0544    some procedure
#15:    5 A0545    some procedure

If unclear what the above is doing - just run the sub commands one by one on one of the "code" strings. 如果不清楚上面做了什么 - 只需在其中一个“代码”字符串上逐个运行sub命令。

A less elegant way to do it: 一种不太优雅的方式:

# the data
hcup <- data.frame(code=c("61000-61003", "0169T-0169T"),
                   label=c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt"), stringsAsFactors = F)
>         code             label
>1 61000-61003   excision of CNS
>2 0169T-0169T ventricular shunt

# reshaping
# split the code ranges into separate columns
seq.ends <- cbind(do.call(rbind.data.frame, strsplit(hcup$code, "-")), hcup$label)
# create a list with a data.frame for each original line
new.list <- apply(seq.ends, 1, FUN=function(x){data.frame(code=if(grepl("\\d{5}", x[1])){
                     z<-x[1]:x[2]}else{z<-x[1]}, label=rep(x[3], length(z)),
                     stringsAsFactors = F)})
# collapse the list into a df
new.df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(new.list, data.frame, stringsAsFactors=F))

>     code             label
>1.1 61000   excision of CNS
>1.2 61001   excision of CNS
>1.3 61002   excision of CNS
>1.4 61003   excision of CNS
>2   0169T ventricular shunt

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