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混合模板类和模板方法时出现C ++错误

[英]C++ Error when mixing template class and template method

I have a class that takes a size type as a parameter in case one doesn't want to use size_t or another hard coded type which would require casting and checking for overflows. 我有一个类,它将一个size类型作为参数,以防一个人不想使用size_t或另一个需要转换和检查溢出的硬编码类型。 This class also has some methods taking a second template type : 这个类还有一些方法采用第二种模板类型:

template< typename SizeType = uint32_t >
class BufferReader
    SizeType m_nPosition;

    template< typename T >
    T Read();

My problem is, what is the syntax to implement this ? 我的问题是,实现这个的语法是什么?

template< typename SizeType, typename T >
T BufferReader< SizeType >::Read()
    // ...

Which gives me an error : 这给了我一个错误:

invalid use of incomplete type 'class core::BufferReader<SizeType>'

Or : 要么 :

template< typename T >
template< typename SizeType >
T BufferReader< SizeType >::Read()
    // ...

Which gives the same error. 这给出了同样的错误。

Or anything else ? 还是其他什么?

Thank you ! 谢谢 !

Your second example is nearly right, you just need to have the template parameters of the class first and those of the function second: 你的第二个例子几乎是正确的,你只需要先让类的模板参数和第二个函数的模板参数:

template< typename SizeType >
template< typename T >
T BufferReader< SizeType >::Read()
    // ...

You almost got it. 你几乎得到了它。 You have to stack the template s as in the declaration: first the class and then the member. 您必须像声明中那样堆叠template :首先是类,然后是成员。

template < typename SizeT >
template < typename T >
  return T {};

Note that the code can be simplified by defining the function right in the class body but I understand that some people will prefer to separate declaration from definition for aesthetic reasons. 请注意,可以通过在类体中定义函数来简化代码,但我理解为了美学原因,有些人更愿意将声明与定义分开。

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