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C ++-使用类模板时出错

[英]C++ - Error when using class template

In file main.cpp... 在文件main.cpp中...

#include "pqueue.h"

struct nodeT;

struct coordT {
    double x, y;

struct arcT {
    nodeT *start, *end;
    double weight;

int arcComp(arcT *arg0, arcT *arg1){
    if(arg0->weight == arg1->weight)
        return 0;
    else if(arg0->weight > arg1->weight)
        return 1;
    return -1;

struct nodeT {
    coordT* coordinates;
    PQueue<arcT *> outgoing_arcs(arcComp); // error on this line

In file pqueue.h ... 在文件pqueue.h中...

#ifndef _pqueue_h
#define _pqueue_h

template <typename ElemType>
class PQueue 
    typedef int (*CallbackFunc)(ElemType, ElemType);
    CallbackFunc CmpFunc;

    PQueue(CallbackFunc Cmp);

#include "pqueue.cpp"

In file pqueue.cpp 在文件pqueue.cpp中

#include "pqueue.h"

template <typename ElemType>
PQueue<ElemType>::PQueue(CallbackFunc Cmp = OperatorCmp)
    CmpFunc = Cmp;

template<typename ElemType>

error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'arcComp' 错误C2061:语法错误:标识符'arcComp'

The syntax is simply invalid, you cannot initialise members in-place; 语法完全无效,您不能就地初始化成员。 use a constructor. 使用构造函数。

struct nodeT {
    coordT* coordinates;
    PQueue<arcT *> outgoing_arcs;

    nodeT() : ougoing_arcs(arcComp) { }

Apart from that you cannot (usually) define templates in cpp files, you must put the complete definition inside the header file. 除了不能(通常)在cpp文件中定义模板之外,还必须将完整的定义放在头文件中。 Granted, you are #include ing the cpp file rather than treating it as a separate compilation unit but that's still bad, if only because it will trip up programmers' expectations and automated build tools. 当然,您正在#include cpp文件,而不是将其视为单独的编译单元,但这仍然很糟糕,即使仅仅是因为它将破坏程序员的期望和自动化的构建工具。

As a final side-note, your code is violating every single C++ naming convention I have ever encountered. 最后一点,您的代码违反了我所遇到的每一个C ++命名约定。

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