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[英]Why does multiprocessing.Process.join() hang?

I am using multiprocessing in this manner: 我正在以这种方式使用多处理:

import multiprocessing as mp

def worker(thread_id, tasks, results):
    tmp_dir = 'temp_for_{}'.format(thread_id)
        while not tasks.empty():
            data = tasks.get()
            response = process_pdf(data, tmp_dir)
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        log.info('Interrupt signal received in thread %s.', thread_id)
    except Queue.Empty:
    except Exception:
        log.error("Unexpected error in %s", thread_id, exc_info=True)
        log.info("Thread %s exit", thread_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tasks, results = mp.Queue(), mp.Queue()
    for record in cursor.select(query):
    manager = mp.Manager()
    workers = [mp.Process(target=worker, args=(i, tasks, results)) for i in xrange(8)]
    for worker in workers:
        for worker in workers:
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        log.info('Interrupt signal received in main. Cleaning up main')
        log.info('Got %s results. Saving', results.qsize())
        while not results.empty():
            cursor.update_one('documents', 'id', results.get())

Here's the output when I run this code: 这是我运行此代码时的输出:

14:34:04 15/10 INFO: Thread 6 exit
14:34:04 15/10 INFO: Thread 7 exit
14:34:21 15/10 INFO: Thread 3 exit
14:34:24 15/10 INFO: Thread 2 exit
14:34:24 15/10 INFO: Thread 1 exit
14:34:29 15/10 INFO: Thread 5 exit
14:34:36 15/10 INFO: Thread 0 exit
14:35:37 15/10 INFO: Thread 4 exit

Then I enter ^C after waiting for a while with no progress, and get this output: 然后我在等待一段时间没有进展后输入^ C,并获得此输出:

^C14:37:16 15/10 INFO: Interrupt signal received in main. Cleaning up main
14:37:16 15/10 INFO: Got 16 results. Saving

And I get this traceback for all threads: 我得到了所有线程的回溯:

Process Process-9:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 261, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/util.py", line 328, in _exit_function
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/util.py", line 274, in _run_finalizers
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/util.py", line 207, in __call__
    res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/queues.py", line 218, in _finalize_join
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 952, in join
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 340, in wait

Why is this hanging? 这为什么挂? If it's important, I can add that process_pdf() runs a few subprocesses with subprocess.Popen() . 如果是重要的,我可以添加process_pdf()运行的几个子进程subprocess.Popen()

Big thanks to dano for his hint. 非常感谢dano的暗示。 Fix for this issue is create queue using Manager() : 修复此问题的方法是使用Manager()创建队列:

manager = mp.Manager()
tasks, results = manager.Queue(), manager.Queue()

Edit 编辑
Tnx to ShadowRanger. Tnx到ShadowRanger。 Looks like exceptions in dispatch fixed for 2.7.10 and now we 看起来像2.7.10的调度中的例外,现在我们 can use multiprocessing.Pool with imap_unordered and don't 可以使用multiprocessing.Poolimap_unordered而不是 need write wall of code for simple job :) But I didn't try it yet 需要为简单的工作写代码墙 :)但我还没试过

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