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[英]Java: How do I access my properties file?

So I have a property file in my project. 所以我的项目中有一个属性文件。 I need to access it. 我需要访问它。

Here's the tree structure: 这是树形结构:

+ Project Name
|--+ folder1
|--+ propertyfolder
   |--+ file.properties

Or: Project/propertyfolder/file.properties 或者:Project / propertyfolder / file.properties

Here's what I've tried so far (one at a time, not all at once): 到目前为止,这是我尝试过的操作(一次一次,并非一次全部):

// error: java.io.File.<init>(Unknown Source)
File file = new File(System.getProperty("file.properties"));
File file = new File(System.getProperty("propertyfolder/file.properties"));
File file = new File(System.getProperty("propertyfolder\\file.properties"));
File file = new File(System.getProperty("../../propertyfolder/file.properties"));

And: 和:

InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("file.properties");
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("../../propertyfolder/file.properties");
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("propertyfolder/file.properties");
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("propertyfolder\\file.properties");

And all variations within getClass() , such as getClass().getClassLoader() , etc. 以及getClass()所有变体,例如getClass().getClassLoader()等。

The error I'm getting is a NullReferenceException . 我得到的错误是NullReferenceException It's not finding the file. 找不到文件。 How do I find it correctly? 我如何正确找到它?

(taken from comment to answer as OP suggested) (摘自评论,回答为OP建议)

Just use File file = new File("propertyfolder/file.properties") but you do need to know where is java process working directory, if you cannot control it try an absolute path /c:/myapp/propertyfolder/file.properties . 只需使用File file = new File("propertyfolder/file.properties")但您确实需要知道Java进程工作目录在哪里,如果无法控制它,请尝试使用绝对路径/c:/myapp/propertyfolder/file.properties

You may also use /myapp/propertyfolder/file.properties path without C: disk letter to avoid windows-only mapping. 您也可以使用不带C:盘符的/myapp/propertyfolder/file.properties路径,以避免仅Windows映射。 You may use / path separator in Java apps works in Win,Linux,MacOSX. 您可以在Win,Linux,MacOSX中的Java应用程序中使用/路径分隔符。 Watch out for text file encoding, use InputStreamReader to given an encoding parameter. 注意文本文件的编码,请使用InputStreamReader赋予编码参数。

File file = new File("propertyfolder/file.properties");
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
reader.close(); // this will close underlaying fileinputstream

Inorder to use getClass().resourceAsStream("file.properties") you need to make sure the file is there in the classpath. 为了使用getClass().resourceAsStream("file.properties")您需要确保文件在类路径中。

That is if your Test.java file is compiled into bin/Test.class then make sure to have file.properties in the bin/ folder along with the Test.class 也就是说,如果你的Test.java文件编译成BIN /的Test.class然后确保有file.properties在bin /文件夹中的Test.class一起

Otherwise you can use the Absolute Path, which is not advisable. 否则,您可以使用绝对路径,这是不可取的。

Did you set System properties to load file.properties from 您是否设置了系统属性以从中加载file.properties

1) Command line using -Dpropertyname=value OR 1)命令行使用-Dpropertyname = value或

2) System.setProperty() API OR 2)System.setProperty()API或

3) System.load(fileName) API? 3)System.load(fileName)API?

If you have n't done any one of them, do not use System.getProperty() to load file.properties file. 如果您尚未执行任何操作,请不要使用System.getProperty()加载file.properties文件。

Assuming that you have not done above three, the best way to create file InputStream is 假设您还没有完成上述三项操作,那么创建文件InputStream的最佳方法是

InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("<file.properties path from classpath without />");

Properties extends Hashtable so, Each key and its corresponding value in the property list is a string. 属性扩展了Hashtable, 因此, 属性列表中的 每个键及其对应的值都是一个字符串。

Properties props = new Properties();
// File - Reads from Project Folder.
InputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream("applicationPATH.properties");

// Class Loader - Reades Form src Folder (Stand Alone application)
ClassLoader AppClassLoader = ReadPropertyFile.class.getClassLoader();
    for(String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
        System.out.format("%s : %s \n", key, props.getProperty(key));

// Reads from src folder.
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resourcePATH");// resourcePATH.properties
Enumeration<String> keys = rb.getKeys();
        String key = keys.nextElement();
        System.out.format(" %s = %s \n", key, rb.getString(key));

// Class Loader - WebApplication : src folder (or) /WEB-INF/classes/
ClassLoader WebappClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

To read properties from specific folder. 从特定文件夹读取属性。 Construct path form ProjectName 构造路径表单ProjectName

InputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream("propertyfolder/file.properties");

If Key:value pairs specified in .txt file then, 如果在.txt文件中指定了“键:值”对,

public static void readTxtFile_KeyValues() throws IOException{
    props.load(new FileReader("keyValue.txt") );

    // Display all the values in the form of key value
    for (String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
        String value = props.getProperty(key);
        System.out.println("Key = " + key + " \t Value = " + value);

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