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[英]Static template member function for template class

I have a template class and a template member function:我有一个模板类和一个模板成员函数:

template<class T1>
struct A{
    template<class T2>
    static int f(){return 0;}

I want to specialize for a case when T1 and T2 are the same,我想专攻T1T2相同的情况,

For example, define the case A<T>::f<T> for any T .例如,为任何T定义 case A<T>::f<T>

but I can't find the combination of keywords to achieve this.但我找不到关键字组合来实现这一点。

How can I partially (?) specialize a combination of template class and a template static function?我如何部分(?)专门化模板类和模板静态函数的组合?

These are my unsuccessful attempts, and the error messages:这些是我失败的尝试,以及错误消息:

1) Specialize inside the class: fatal error: cannot specialize a function 'f' within class scope ) 1) 在类fatal error: cannot specialize a function 'f' within class scopefatal error: cannot specialize a function 'f' within class scope

template<class T1>
struct A{
    template<class T2>
    static int f(){return 0;}

    static int f<T1>(){return 1;}


2) Specialize outside the class "simultaneously": fatal error: cannot specialize a member of an unspecialized template 2) 在类外“同时”特化: fatal error: cannot specialize a member of an unspecialized template

template<class T>
void A<T>::f<T>(){return 1;}

3) Specialize using template<> : fatal error: too few template parameters in template redeclaration 3) 专门使用template<>fatal error: too few template parameters in template redeclaration

template<> template<class T>
void A<T>::f<T>(){return 1;}

4) Invert the order: fatal error: cannot specialize (with 'template<>') a member of an unspecialized template 4) 颠倒顺序: fatal error: cannot specialize (with 'template<>') a member of an unspecialized template

template<class T> template<>
void A<T>::f<T>(){return 1;}

5) Specialize the whole class (based on the error of attempt 3): fatal error: class template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to define the primary template, remove the template argument list 5)特化整个类(基于尝试3的错误): fatal error: class template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to define the primary template, remove the template argument list fatal error: class template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to define the primary template, remove the template argument list

template<class T> 
struct A<T>{
    static int f<T>(){return 1;}

6) Specialize the class but not the function (?): fatal error: too few template parameters in template redeclaration template<> template<class T1> 6)特化类而不特化函数(?): fatal error: too few template parameters in template redeclaration template<> template<class T1>

template<> template<class T>
int A<T>::f(){return 0;}

I used clang 3.5 C++14 to generate the error messages.我使用了clang 3.5 C++14来生成错误消息。

You cannot partially specialize a function.你不能部分特化一个函数。

You can forward the work to another type:您可以将工作转发到另一种类型:

template<class T1>
struct A;

template<class T1, class T2>
struct A_helper {
  static int f() {
    return A<T1>::f_simple<T2>();
template<class T>
struct A_helper<T,T> {
  static int f() {
    return A<T>::f_special();

template<class T1>
struct A{
  template<class T2>
  static int f(){return A_helper<T1,T2>::f()}
  template<class T2>
  static int f_simple(){return 0;}
  static int f_special(){return -1;}

or, more simply, with no A_helper :或者,更简单地说,没有A_helper

template<class T1>
struct A{
  template<class T2>
  static int f(){return f2<T2>(std::is_same<T1,T2>{});}
  template<class T2>
  static int f2(std::true_type){
    static_assert(std::is_same<T1,T2>{}, "bob!");
    return -1;
  template<class T2>
  static int f2(std::false_type){return -1;}

you can use tag dispatching.您可以使用标签调度。

Another approach:另一种方法:

template<class T>struct tag{};

template<class T1>
struct A{
  template<class T2>
  static int f(){return f2(tag<T2>{});}
  template<class T2>
  static int f2(tag<T2>) {return 0;}
  static int f2(tag<T1>) {return -1;}

where we directly dispatch on the type of T2 .我们直接调度T2的类型。

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