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[英]Can't use self in static method in php

I can't use self in a static method , it gives me this error message : Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\wordpress\\wp-content\\plugins\\dw-usercp\\usercp.php on line 136 我不能在静态方法中使用self ,它给我此错误消息: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\wordpress\\wp-content\\plugins\\dw-usercp\\usercp.php on line 136

here is the source code : 这是源代码:

class dw_usercp
    public static function plugin_activated() {

    public function create_plugin_pages() {
        $pages = array(
            'signin' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Sign In', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-sigin-form]',
                'option_id' => 'login_page'
            'user-account' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Your Account', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-info]',
                'option_id' => 'user_account_page'
            'edit-user-info' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Edit User Info', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-edit-info]',
                'option_id' => 'user_editinfo_page'
            'profile' => array(
                'title' => __( 'User profile', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-profile]',
                'option_id' => 'profile_page'
            'signup' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Sign Up', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-signup-form]',
                'option_id' => 'register_page'
            'user-lost-password' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Forgot Your Password?', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-password-lost-form]',
                'option_id' => 'lost_password_page'
            'user-password-reset' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Pick a New Password', 'dw-usercp' ),
                'content' => '[dwusercp-password-reset-form]',
                'option_id' => 'password_reset_page'

        foreach( $pages as $slug => $page ) {
            $query = new WP_Query( 'pagename=' . $slug );
            if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) {
                // Add the page using the data from the array above
                $post_id = wp_insert_post(
                        'post_content'   => $page['content'],
                        'post_name'      => $slug,
                        'post_title'     => $page['title'],
                        'post_status'    => 'publish',
                        'post_type'      => 'page',
                        'ping_status'    => 'closed',
                        'comment_status' => 'closed',

                $this->update_plugin_option( $page['option_id'], $post_id ); // this is the line 136 that the error message says

     * Update plugin option
     * @param string $field option id
     * @param mixed $value option new value
     * @return bool
    public function update_plugin_option( $field, $value ) {
        $options = get_option("dw_usercp_options");
        $options[$field] = $value;

        update_option( "dw_usercp_options", $options );
$dw_usercp = new dw_usercp();

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'dw_usercp', 'plugin_activated' ) );

how do i call the create_plugin_pages() correctly then? 那我该如何正确地调用create_plugin_pages()

the plugin_activated() has to be static as Wordpress says 如Wordpress所说, plugin_activated()必须是静态的

Inside a static function, you're not in an instance of the class. 在静态函数中,您不在类的实例中。 You could: 你可以:

  • instantiate an instance of the class and call the function 实例化该类的实例并调用该函数
  • Pass an instatiated object into the static funtion 将静态对象传递到静态函数中
  • Make the create_plugin_pages function static and call it with static. create_plugin_pages函数设为静态,并使用static调用它。
  • Convert plugin_activated to not be static (MY VOTE) plugin_activated转换plugin_activated静态(MY VOTE)

The static option won't work though since you call $this inside create_plugin_pages . 但是,由于您在create_plugin_pages内部调用$this因此static选项不起作用。 So you'll need to go the instatiation route. 因此,您需要走煽情路线。

Non-static 非静态

  public function plugin_activated() {

Here's the passing in an object version 这是传入的对象版本

   public static function plugin_activated(dw_usercp $a_dw_usercp) {

Its because you are using "$this" variable when you're in static context (did you read the error message?) 这是因为您在静态上下文中正在使用“ $ this”变量(您是否读过错误消息?)

When in static context, use for methods: 在静态上下文中,用于方法:

self::method(args) ; self::method(args) ;

or 要么

self::$attr for variables (attributes) self::$attr用于变量(属性)

$this->update_plugin_option( $page['option_id'], $post_id );

is not self , as referenced in your title. 不是标题中提到的self You should be using: 您应该使用:

self::update_plugin_option( $page['option_id'], $post_id );

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