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[英]Rails - Account Activation not redirecting to https

I have my mailer sending an account activation link like the one below: 我的邮件发送者发送了一个帐户激活链接,如下所示:

edit_account_activation_url(@user.activation_token, email: @user.email) edit_account_activation_url(@ user.activation_token,电子邮件:@ user.email)

producing: 生产:

http://MYAPPHOST/account_activation/7Apxg0G5t2V5tHrO2tatPQ/edit?email=sdf%40oiu.com http:// MYAPPHOST / account_activation / 7Apxg0G5t2V5tHrO2tatPQ / edit?email = sdf%40oiu.com

which works when I change it to https but it isn't being redirected. 当我将其更改为https时,它可以工作,但没有被重定向。 I already have config.force_ssl = true so I'm not sure how to enable this redirect. 我已经有config.force_ssl = true,所以我不确定如何启用此重定向。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Whenever I go to http://MYAPP I get redirected to about:blank 每当我访问http:// MYAPP时,我都会重定向到about:blank

I'm assuming this is in your production environment? 我假设这是在您的生产环境中? What hosting provider and/or server are you using (Heroku, AWS, and Apache, NGINX, etc). 您正在使用哪种托管服务提供商和/或服务器(Heroku,AWS和Apache,NGINX等)。

Check your SSL settings, for your web server, particularly the X-Forwarded-Proto header. 检查您的Web服务器的SSL设置,尤其是X-Forwarded-Proto标头。 When a HTTPS request comes to Apache/NGINX, they will terminate the SSL connection and send a HTTP request to Unicorn/Puma/Thin/Webrick. 当HTTPS请求到达Apache / NGINX时,它们将终止SSL连接,并将HTTP请求发送到Unicorn / Puma / Thin / Webrick。 Your Rails server will see protocol=HTTP unless you set the X-Forwarded-Proto header. 除非您设置X-Forwarded-Proto标头,否则您的Rails服务器将看到protocol=HTTP That will cause your x_y_z_url helpers to return http://... instead of https://... . 这将导致您的x_y_z_url帮助器返回http://...而不是https://...

For example, in NGINX: 例如,在NGINX中:

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

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