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如何使用Django mptt查询节点的所有子节点的对象?

[英]How do I query objects of all children of a node with Django mptt?

I am trying to get the objects of all the children of a given node on Django with django-mppt 我试图用django-mppt获取Django上给定节点的所有子节点的对象

I have a model designed as shown below, the classes/categories (node) with the same indent level defines siblings, inner indents are children. 我有一个如下所示设计的模型,具有相同缩进级别的类/类别(节点)定义兄弟,内部缩进是子。 The objects tagged with a category are shown just below the category (node). 标有类别的对象显示在类别(节点)下方。 The objects start with a - symbol. 对象以-符号开头。 The numbers along the classes/categories (nodes) are the ids. 类/类别(节点)中的数字是ids。

all the nodes are the instances of Category class with the id given. 所有节点都是具有idCategory类的实例。

high school (1)
    class 8 (2)
        division a (3)

        division b (4)
    class 9 (3)
        division a (8)

        division b (5)

    class 10  (4)
        division a (6)

        division b (7)

I can get the query sets of a specific node this way, 我可以通过这种方式获取特定节点的查询集,

>>> Category.objects.get(pk=7).product_set.all()
[Steven, Slash, Izzy]

>>> Category.objects.get(pk=4).product_set.all()
[Mark, Tom, Travis]

How do I query with pk=1 , pk=2 , pk=3 or pk=4 to get all the child objects? 如何查询pk=1pk=2pk=3pk=4来获取所有子对象?

example, 例,

the query for pk=2 query must return pk=2查询的查询必须返回

[Billie, Tre, Mike, Patrik, Pete, Andy]

This will get you all category descendants including self. 这将为您提供包括自我在内的所有类别后代。

Assuming that your Product model has a Foreign key category, you can use: 假设您的产品型号具有外键类别,您可以使用:


Django mptt provides two methods to retrieve children. Django mptt提供了两种检索子项的方法。

From the docs 来自文档

MPTTModel.get_children(*args, **kwargs) MPTTModel.get_children(* args,** kwargs)

Returns a QuerySet containing the immediate children of this model >instance, in tree order. 以树顺序返回包含此模型>实例的直接子项的QuerySet。

The benefit of using this method over the reverse relation provided by the ORM to the instance's children is that a database query can be avoided in the case where the instance is a leaf node (it has no children). 使用此方法优于ORM为实例的子项提供的反向关系的好处是,在实例是叶子节点(它没有子节点)的情况下,可以避免数据库查询。

If called from a template where the tree has been walked by the cache_tree_children filter, no database query is required. 如果从已通过cache_tree_children过滤器遍历树的模板调用,则不需要数据库查询。


MPTTModel.get_leafnodes(*args, **kwargs) MPTTModel.get_leafnodes(* args,** kwargs)

Creates a QuerySet containing leafnodes of this model instance, in tree order. 按树顺序创建包含此模型实例的叶节点的QuerySet。

If include_self is True, the QuerySet will also include this model instance (if it is a leaf node) 如果include_self为True,则QuerySet还将包含此模型实例(如果它是叶节点)

I'm not sure how your models are set up but I'm not sure why you use mptt here. 我不确定你的模型是如何设置的,但我不确定你为什么在这里使用mptt。 You are using Category/Product but it seems to be student or people and work groups. 您正在使用类别/产品,但它似乎是学生,人员和工作组。

Maybe you can define EstablishmentLevel , Level| 也许你可以定义EstablishmentLevelLevel| , StudentGroup , Student models and instead of using mptt function query something like: StudentGroupStudent模型,而不是使用mptt函数查询,如:


See the Django doc 请参阅Django文档

Hope that helped 希望有所帮助

Category.objects.get(pk=1).get_leafnodes() is what you're looking for. Category.objects.get(pk=1).get_leafnodes()就是你要找的东西。

( django-mptt docs ) django-mptt docs

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