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Django MPTT查询集,用于具有具有特定属性的子代的实例

[英]Django MPTT queryset for instances with children with a certain attribute

I'm using Django MPTT , with the model Foobar like this: 我正在使用Django MPTT和Foobar模型,如下所示:

class Foobar(MPTTModel):
     parent = TreeForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, related_name='children')

If I want to select all Foobars with children, I can do this: 如果要选择所有带孩子的Foobars,可以执行以下操作:

[x for x in Foobar.objects.all() if x.get_children().exists()]

If I want to select all Foobars that have children with a certain attribute (like published ), I can do this: 如果我要选择所有具有特定属性的子代的Foobars(例如published ),则可以执行以下操作:

[x for x in Foobar.objects.all() if x.get_children().filter(published=True).exists()]

I can't work out a way to do this in one query, though. 但是,我无法找到一种在一个查询中执行此操作的方法。 I need to do it in one query in order to be able to use it for the limit_choices_to argument of ForeignKey : 我需要在一个查询中执行此操作才能将其用于ForeignKeylimit_choices_to参数:

class Example(models.Model):
    related_foobar = models.ForeignKey(
        limit_choices_to=Q(....), # How do I make this work?

Well, the pure property of being a parent is filtered for via the __isnull filter. 好吧,通过__isnull过滤器过滤了成为父母的纯净属性。 This generally holds for reverse foreign key testing: 这通常适用于反向外键测试:

Foobar.objects.filter(children__isnull=False)  # must have children

It should be mentioned that 'children' in this query is the related_query_name of the ForeignKey . 应该指出的是, 'children'在此查询是related_query_name中的ForeignKey This defaults to the related_name if that is provided or to the lowercase model name ( foobar in this case). 如果提供此名称,则默认为related_name或小写的模型名称(在这种情况下为foobar )。

With a concrete child property, you can simply do: 有了具体的子属性,您可以执行以下操作:


This will only include Foobars with at least one child that is published. 这将仅包括Foobars了至少一个孩子的Foobars

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