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[英]Type mismatch in Scala Map from getOrElse returning Equals

I have this Scala snippet from a custom mapper (for use in a Spark mapPartitions ) I'm writing to compute histograms of multiple Int fields simultaneously. 我正在编写一个自定义映射器(用于Spark mapPartitions )中的Scala代码片段,以同时计算多个Int字段的直方图。

def multiFeatureHistogramFunc(iter: Iterator[Row]) : Iterator[(Int, (Int, Long))] = {
    var featureHistMap:Map[Int, (Int, Long)] = Map()
    while (iter.hasNext)
        val cur = iter.next;

        indices.foreach( { index:Int => 
            val v:Int = if ( cur.isNullAt(index) ) -100 else cur.getInt(index)
            var featureHist:Map[Int, Long] = featureHistMap.getOrElse(index, Map())
            val newCount = featureHist.getOrElse(v,0L) + 1L
            featureHist += (v -> newCount)
            featureHistMap += (index -> featureHist)

But the error I'm getting is this: 但是我得到的错误是这样的:

<console>:49: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Equals
 required: Map[Int,Long]
               var featureHist:Map[Int, Long] = 
 featureHistMap.getOrElse(index, Map())

I couldn't find the answer to this specific issue. 我找不到这个特定问题的答案。 It looks to me like the default parameter in featureHistMap.getOrElse is a different type than the value field of the featureHistMap itself and the common parent type is Equals so this causes a type mismatch. 在我看来, featureHistMap.getOrElse的默认参数与featureHistMap本身的值字段不同,并且其公共父类型为Equals因此会导致类型不匹配。 I tried a number of different things like changing the default parameter to be a more specific type, but this just caused a different error. 我尝试了许多不同的操作,例如将默认参数更改为更特定的类型,但这只是导致了另一个错误。

Can someone explain what's going on here and how to fix it? 有人可以解释这里发生了什么以及如何解决吗?

The problem is that you declared your featureHistMap as Map[Int, (Int, Long)] - note that you are mapping an Int to a pair (Int, Long) . 问题是您将featureHistMap声明为Map[Int, (Int, Long)] -请注意,您正在将一个Int映射到一个对(Int, Long) Later, you try to retrieve a value from it as a Map[Int, Long] , instead of a pair (Int, Long) . 稍后,您尝试从其中检索一个值作为Map[Int, Long] ,而不是一对(Int, Long)

You either need to redeclare the type of featureHistMap to Map[Int, Map[Int, Long]] , or the type of featureHist to (Int, Long) . 您需要将featureHistMap的类型重新声明为Map[Int, Map[Int, Long]] ,或者将featureHist的类型featureHist(Int, Long)

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