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[英]Pretty plot bar chart in python with matplotlib

I wrote a python code below to draw a bar chart for my data. 我在下面编写了一个python代码来为数据绘制条形图。 I adjusted parameters but failed to make it beautiful(See attached pic). 我调整了参数,但未能使其美观(请参见所附图片)。

The python code is shown below: python代码如下所示:

def plotElapsedDis(axis, jvm1, jvm2, ylabel, title, name):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(111)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ## the data
    N = len(jvm1)
    #menMeans = [18, 35, 30, 35, 27]
        #womenMeans = [25, 32, 34, 20, 25]
    ind = np.arange(N)+1
    width = 0.25                      # the width of the bars

    rects1 = ax.bar(ind-width, jvm1, width)

    rects2 = ax.bar(ind, jvm2, width, color='r')

    plt.xticks(ind , axis, rotation=-90)
    ax.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Originl', 'Optimal') )

plotElapsedDis(keys, y_jvm1, y_jvm2, 'seconds', 'CPU Elapsed', '../tmp/cpu_elapsed.jpg')

The first three lists for plotElapsedDis are: plotElapsedDis的前三个列表是:

keys= [u'mergesort_hongli', u'so_object', u'gc_mb', u'socket_transfer_1mb', u'app_factorial', u'string_concat', u'printff', u'so_lists', u'so_lists_small', u'word_anagrams', u'fasta', u'count_multithreaded', u'app_mandelbrot', u'primes', u'nbody', u'app_fib', u'socket_transfer_1mb_noblock', u'nsieve_bits', u'gc_string', u'simple_server', u'gc_array', u'cal', u'spectral_norm', u'app_pentomino', u'so_sieve', u'eval', u'so_matrix', u'mbari_bogus1', u'fractal', u'simple_connect', u'partial_sums', u'pi', u'so_array', u'count_shared_thread', u'fiber_ring', u'list', u'binary_trees', u'app_tarai', u'monte_carlo_pi', u'observ', u'write_large'] 
 y_jvm1= [20.703852000000001, 173.12867899999998, 74.149726000000001, 15.717608999999999, 26.226012000000001, 136.44825599999999, 46.775888000000002, 63.851292000000001, 13.929881, 71.078192999999999, 66.729854000000003, 92.045006000000001, 55.671535999999996, 24.082338, 46.349951999999995, 38.166196999999997, 15.777601000000001, 123.075288, 161.76140800000002, 12.053167, 60.597787000000004, 43.662361000000004, 45.789037999999998, 209.30117999999999, 32.190105000000003, 48.988551000000001, 55.191608000000002, 52.242056999999996, 89.343417000000002, 12.721064999999999, 109.08541600000001, 24.236315000000001, 19.817986000000001, 226.82451600000002, 100.985647, 60.686772999999995, 55.589548000000001, 69.965362999999996, 35.801557000000003, 25.728088, 16.169540999999999] 
 y_jvm2= [19.938967999999999, 178.796818, 67.512734999999992, 15.787599, 26.058038, 137.27913000000001, 12.535093, 59.649929999999998, 13.865891000000001, 60.618783000000001, 68.384602999999998, 283.39391599999999, 56.349432, 24.923209999999997, 44.113292999999999, 40.564831999999996, 12.393115, 120.76664, 152.30684499999998, 12.195145, 64.276227000000006, 18.565175999999997, 48.006701, 212.65967000000001, 32.544051000000003, 49.798428000000001, 58.516103000000001, 17.243377000000002, 92.973864999999989, 12.519096000000001, 111.39406500000001, 27.048887000000001, 20.014955999999998, 280.62933700000002, 86.977775999999992, 61.553642000000004, 50.455328000000002, 70.610264999999998, 28.390682999999999, 28.378685000000001, 17.351361000000001]

The problems with this generated pic 这个生成的图片的问题 生成的图片 above are that: 以上是:

  1. The label for x-aixs are too long, which are truncated(out of figure border). x-aix的标签太长,已被截断(超出图形边框)。
  2. Distict the bars by others instead of color. 将条形图按其他颜色而不是颜色排列。 Since the pic will be print so that distinction by color would not be work. 由于图片将被打印,因此按颜色区分将无效。 How to fill bars of one group with different style (eg, the last bar in figure ). 如何填写一组不同的样式(例如,在最后一棒的棒 )。

I will appreciate if anyone can help adjust the outlook of this pic. 如果有人可以帮助调整此图片的外观,我将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I would consider you clean up the names a little bit, that should help. 我认为您可以稍微整理一下名称,这会有所帮助。 Once you do that, you can change the rotation to 45 which will make it look better. 完成后,您可以将旋转角度更改为45 ,这样看起来会更好。

You can do that by changing plt.xticks(ind , axis, rotation=90) to plt.xticks("range", "custom label list", rotation=90) 您可以通过将plt.xticks(ind , axis, rotation=90)更改为plt.xticks("range", "custom label list", rotation=90)来做到这一点。

def plotElapsedDis(axis, jvm1, jvm2, ylabel, title, name):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(111)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ## the data
    N = len(jvm1)
    #menMeans = [18, 35, 30, 35, 27]
        #womenMeans = [25, 32, 34, 20, 25]
    ind = np.arange(N)+1
    width = 0.25                      # the width of the bars

    # add "hatch"
    rects1 = ax.bar(ind-width, jvm1, width, color='white', edgecolor='black', hatch="*")

    rects2 = ax.bar(ind, jvm2, width, color='white', edgecolor='black', hatch='//')

    plt.xticks(ind , axis, rotation=90)
    ax.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Originl', 'Optimal') )
    fig.tight_layout() # make sure it fits

plotElapsedDis(keys, y_jvm1, y_jvm2, 'seconds', 'CPU Elapsed', '../tmp/cpu_elapsed.jpg')


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