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[英]Check constraint with dynamic parameters

I am creating partition table with PostgreSQL. 我正在用PostgreSQL创建分区表。

CREATE TABLE tt_parent
    id integer,
    log_time timestamp with time zone,
    server_id integer,
    name text,
    CONSTRAINT tt_parent_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE tt_1_2015_week42 (
 CHECK ( server_id = 1 AND log_time >= (to_timestamp('2015-42', 'IYYY-IW')) AND log_time <= (to_timestamp('2015-42', 'IYYY-IW') + '6 days'::interval)
) INHERITS (tt_parent);

CREATE TABLE tt_1_2015_week43 (
 CHECK ( server_id = 1 AND log_time >= (to_timestamp('2015-43', 'IYYY-IW')) AND log_time <= (to_timestamp('2015-43', 'IYYY-IW') + '6 days'::interval)
) INHERITS (tt_parent);

CREATE TABLE tt_1_2015_week44 (
 CHECK ( server_id = 1 AND log_time >= (to_timestamp('2015-44', 'IYYY-IW')) AND log_time <= (to_timestamp('2015-44', 'IYYY-IW') + '6 days'::interval)
) INHERITS (tt_parent);

After creating the above child table when i fire below query then it scan all the child table. 创建完上面的子表后,当我在下面的查询中触发时,它将扫描所有子表。

WHERE server_id = 1 
AND (log_time >= '2015-10-12 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) 
AND (log_time <= '2015-10-15 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);

From the above query, log_time in where clause is with week 42. So the query should scan only "tt_1_2015_week42" child table. 从上面的查询中,where子句中的log_time位于第42周。因此,该查询应仅扫描“ tt_1_2015_week42”子表。 Why above query scan all the 3 child tables ? 为什么上面的查询会扫描所有3个子表?

Check constraint with dynamic value does not work ? 用动态值检查约束不起作用? We can not use "to_timestamp" function inside Check constraint ? 我们不能在Check约束中使用“ to_timestamp”功能吗? How to modify the above child table check constraint so that query can scan only week 42 table. 如何修改上面的子表检查约束,以便查询只能扫描第42周的表。

1) Your check-conditions missing periods between two neighbour partitions. 1)您的检查条件缺少两个相邻分区之间的时间段。 For example, a gap: 例如,差距:

from: to_timestamp('2015-42', 'IYYY-IW') + '6 days'::interval --2015-10-18 00:00:00
to:   to_timestamp('2015-43', 'IYYY-IW'))                     --2015-10-19 00:00:00

I would write: 我会写:

    server_id = 1 AND
    log_time >= '2015-10-12'::timestamptz AND
    log_time < '2015-10-12'::timestamptz + interval '1 week' --'<' sign, not '<=' to avoid overlapping

2) To get what you want you need an option constraint_exclusion set to partition (this should be a default value). 2)要获得所需的内容,您需要一个选项constraint_exclusion设置为partition (这应该是默认值)。

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