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[英]What design pattern do I use when I need to call a helper function before I create an object?

I have a class Motor , which I use to provide me with various motor specifications.我有一个类Motor ,我用它来为我提供各种电机规格。

I currently have the following methods as part of the Motor class:我目前有以下方法作为Motor类的一部分:

public function getIdFromModel($model)
    $sql = "SELECT id FROM ... WHERE model = ...";
    return process($sql);

public function getIdByFrame($size)
    $sql = "SELECT id FROM ... WHERE size = ...";
    return process($sql);

The above are supplementary functions used to get motor's id from database, when some other non- id parameter is known.以上是用于从数据库中获取电机id补充函数,当一些其他非id参数已知时。 id is then used to create the actual motor.然后使用id来创建实际的电机。

Before I could do:在我能做之前:

$model = "ABC";
$motor = new Motor();

//retrieve ID
$id = $motor->getIdFromModel($model)

$motor = new Motor($id);

My problem shows up after I have changed the structure of my class to require knowledge of id at Motor creation time.在我更改了类的结构以在创建Motor时需要id知识后,我的问题出现了。 Now I need to do:现在我需要做的是:

$model = "ABC";

//retrieve ID
$id = $???->getIdFromModel($model)

$motor = new Motor($id);


What structure/class/pattern/function do I use in place of ???我用什么结构/类/模式/函数来代替??? above?以上?

I know that I can create a class just for the above two functions, but I feel there is a better answer/pattern for this and I wanted to ask.我知道我可以为上述两个函数创建一个类,但我觉得有一个更好的答案/模式,我想问一下。 I don't see a meaning for creating a class just for something-to-id methods.我没有看到仅仅为某个东西到 id 方法创建一个类的意义 I'd like to have some meaning.我想有点意思。

You would normally use a Factory Patter for this.您通常会为此使用工厂模式。 It could be a stand-alone function or a static class method depending on how you want to implement it.它可以是独立函数或静态类方法,具体取决于您希望如何实现它。

http://www.oodesign.com/factory-pattern.html http://www.oodesign.com/factory-pattern.html

I'd make them static functions, member of Motor.我会让它们成为静态函数,Motor 的成员。

public static function getIdFromModel($model)

Then you can call the function, without the need of an instance.然后您可以调用该函数,而无需实例。

$id = Motor::getIdFromModel($model)

Factory Method + supporting methods工厂方法+支持方法


$id = 17;
$model = "ABC";
$frame = "T123";

$factory = new MotorFactory();

//instantiation via various pieces of data
$motor = $factory->fromId($id);
$motor = $factory->fromModel($model);
$motor = $factory->fromFrame($frame);

Factory Method:工厂方法:

class MotorFactory
    public function fromId($id)
        return new Motor($id);

    public function fromModel($model)
        $id = $this->getIdFromModel($model);
        return $this->fromId($id);

    public function fromFrame($frame)
        $id = $this->getIdFromFrame($frame);
        return $this->fromId($id);

    //supporting methods
    private function getIdFromModel($model)
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM ... WHERE model = ...";
        return process($sql);

    private function getIdFromFrame($size)
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM ... WHERE size = ...";
        return process($sql);

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