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[英]Marketplace payments with mobile (native apps)

Having marketplace web site and native mobile applications, I'd like my users to make payments via PayPal.拥有市场网站和本地移动应用程序,我希望我的用户通过 PayPal 付款。 This is the scenario where I'm just "API Caller" and, as I understand, I need to use Adaptive Payments .在这种情况下,我只是“API 调用者”,据我所知,我需要使用Adaptive Payments Am I right?我对吗?

Then it seems (according to this ) that the only mobile SDK that is suitable for my use case is "legacy" Mobile Payment Library .然后似乎(根据this )唯一适合我的用例的移动SDK是“传统”移动支付库 Unfortunately the library has quite "old-school" UI, not really matching cutting the edge UX patterns (eg material).不幸的是,图书馆有相当“老派”的用户界面,并没有真正匹配最前沿的用户体验模式(例如材料)。

What are the possibilities for me?对我来说有哪些可能性?

  1. Is there any other SDK that I can use for Adaptive Payments?是否有任何其他 SDK 可用于自适应支付?
  2. Is it possible to stylise the UI (I guess not)?是否可以对 UI 进行风格化(我猜不是)?

If you are only an API caller you can do like other 3rd party platform do (Shopify, etc...).如果您只是一个 API 调用者,您可以像其他 3rd 方平台(Shopify 等)那样做。 It's called Granting Permission: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/admin/third-party/这称为授予权限: https : //developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/admin/third-party/

Basically the merchant on your platform grant permission on his PayPal account which allow you to make API call through his account with your credentials.基本上,您平台上的商家授予他的 PayPal 帐户权限,允许您使用您的凭据通过他的帐户进行 API 调用。

This works if you just want to be an API caller.如果您只想成为 API 调用者,这很有效。

If you want to take a 'fee' on the payment, you'll need to use the Adaptive Payment API (you can do Parallel Payments or Chained Payments depending on your business case).如果您想对付款收取“费用”,则需要使用自适应付款 API(您可以根据您的业务案例进行并行付款或链式付款)。

And unfortunately as you found out, the mobile version of this API is very bad and there is no proper way to integrate it inside an app.不幸的是,正如您所发现的,此 API 的移动版本非常糟糕,并且没有将其集成到应用程序中的正确方法。

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