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[英]Flex mobile communcation between flex apps vs native mobile apps

I want to send from my Flex mobile app some string data to another application and launch the last one at the same time? 我想从Flex移动应用程序中将一些字符串数据发送到另一个应用程序,并同时启动最后一个吗? Is this possible using Flex SDK (for both Android and iOS)? 使用Flex SDK(适用于Android和iOS)是否可以实现?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 任何建议将不胜感激!

PS I assumed there's some method of doing the same thing in native mobile development PS,我认为在本机移动开发中有一些做相同事情的方法

UPDATE: I've done this using network according to this tutorial: http://blog.leeburrows.com/2011/10/p2p-flash-on-a-local-network-part1/ 更新:根据本教程,我已经使用网络完成此操作: http : //blog.leeburrows.com/2011/10/p2p-flash-on-a-local-network-part1/

Any other "command line" like approaches would be appreciated! 任何其他“命令行”之类的方法将不胜感激!

To start an app from another app please check this answer on Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10493320/1069487 要从另一个应用程序启动一个应用程序,请在Stackoverflow上检查以下答案: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/10493320/1069487

Not sure if it is possible to pass start parameters (your String), a simple workaround would be a locally shared file. 不知道是否可以传递启动参数(您的String),一个简单的解决方法是本地共享文件。

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