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带有Flex移动设备的Flash Builder可以在设计视图中拖放移动应用程序的控件吗?

[英]Can Flash Builder with Flex mobile drag and drop controls for mobile apps in the design view?

I was investigating Flash Builder 4.5 and using flex for ios and android development. 我正在研究Flash Builder 4.5,并将flex用于ios和android开发。 Every demo I have seen uses the source code to demo the product development. 我看过的每个演示都使用源代码来演示产品开发。 I noticed there is a design tab in flash builder. 我注意到Flash Builder中有一个“设计”选项卡。 Can you drag and drop controls and then capture events for a mobile app? 您可以拖放控件然后捕获移动应用程序的事件吗?

edit: Why would you not want something like this: 编辑:为什么你不想要这样的东西:

http://developer.apple.com/technologies/tools/whats-new.html#interface-builder http://developer.apple.com/technologies/tools/whats-new.html#interface-builder

I don't understand. 我不明白


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