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在 Angular-chart.js 上动态设置数据

[英]Dynamically set data on Angular-chart.js

To be honest I am a bit new to angularjs, so this may be problem with my fundamental understanding of angular , rather than angular-charts .老实说,我对 angularjs 有点陌生,所以这可能是我对angular而不是angular-charts 的基本理解的问题。

I have two controllers ( PieItemsCtrl and PieCtrl ) and I would like to communicate between them by using a factory service (called pieItems )我有两个控制器( PieItemsCtrlPieCtrl ),我想通过使用工厂服务(称为pieItems )在它们之间进行通信

On the one hand the pieItems works as designed in the PieItemsCtrl.一方面,pieItems 按照 PieItemsCtrl 中的设计工作。

ie: IE:

$scope.slices =  pieItems.list();

Whenever something changes in the pieItems service (ie another element is added), then the HTML is automatically updated via a repeater :每当 pieItems 服务发生变化(即添加另一个元素)时,HTML 就会通过转发器自动更新:

<div ng-repeat="(key, val) in slices">

However in the PieCtrl I have this line, and i would expect the pie chart to update automatically :但是在 PieCtrl 我有这条线,我希望饼图自动更新:

$scope.labels = pieItems.labelsItems();
$scope.data = pieItems.data();

It seems to set these data values upon loading/initialisation of the PieCtrl and that's it.似乎在加载/初始化 PieCtrl 时设置这些数据值,就是这样。 Whenever the pieItems data changes these scope values are not updated.每当 pieItems 数据更改时,这些范围值都不会更新。

The source of the two controller and factory object are below.两个控制器和工厂对象的来源如下。 And I also made an unworkable fiddle , incase that helps我还做了一个不可行的小提琴,以防万一有帮助

PieItemsCtrl : PieItemsCtrl :

app.controller('PieItemsCtrl', function($scope, $http, $rootScope, pieItems) {

        $scope.slices =  pieItems.list();
        $scope.buttonClick = function($event) {
                    Name: $scope.newSliceName,
                    Percent: $scope.newSlicePercent,
                    Color: $scope.newSliceColor

        $scope.deleteClick = function(item, $event) {

PieCtrl : PieCtrl :

app.controller("PieCtrl", function ($scope, $timeout, pieItems) {
    $scope.labels = pieItems.labelsItems();
    $scope.data = pieItems.data();

pieItems :馅饼项目:

app.factory('pieItems', function() {
    var items = [];

    var itemsService = {};

    itemsService.add = function(item) {
    itemsService.delete = function(item) {

        for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (items[i].Name === item.Name) {
                items.splice(i, 1);
    itemsService.list = function() {
        return items;

    itemsService.labelsItems = function() {

        var a = ['x', 'y'];
        for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        return a;
    itemsService.data = function() {

        var a = [50,50];
        for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        return a;

    return itemsService;

The controller doesn't notice when the value in your factory changes.控制器不会注意到您工厂中的值何时发生变化。 To include your item-Array in an Angular digest-cycle, tell Angular to $watch that Array.要将您的 item-Array 包含在 Angular 摘要循环中,请告诉 Angular $watch该数组。

If you don't want to expose the Array, create a getter:如果您不想公开数组,请创建一个 getter:

itemsService.get = function() { return items; }

Then you can include that getter in your $watch expression in your controller:然后您可以在控制器的 $watch 表达式中包含该 getter:

$scope.$watch(getItems, watcherFunction, true);
function getItems() {
    return pieItems.get();

The getItems-Function gets called on digest cycle and fires the watcherFunction if the value changed and has the newData as argument. getItems-Function 在摘要循环中被调用,如果值发生变化并且将 newData 作为参数,则触发 watcherFunction。 true as 3rd argument creates a deep watch. true作为第三个参数创建一个深度观察。

function watcherFunction(newData) {
     // do sth if array was changed

For more complex objets, you can use a $watchCollection.对于更复杂的对象,您可以使用 $watchCollection。

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