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使用python GridFS检索文件元数据

[英]Retrieve file metadata using python GridFS

I am accessing GridFS using Python, and would like both access to a file and its metadata. 我正在使用Python访问GridFS,并且希望访问文件及其元数据。

Python version is 2.7, MongoDB version is 3.0.7. Python版本是2.7,MongoDB版本是3.0.7。 OS is Ubuntu 14.04. 操作系统是Ubuntu 14.04。

The file is stored as follows: 该文件存储如下:

>>> fs = GridFS(db, "gridfstest")
>>> fs.put(
            "HELLO WORLD", 
             test_metadata ="testing", 

And retrieved as follows: 并检索如下:

>>> retrieved_file = fs.find_one()
>>> retrieved_file.read()
>>> print(retrieved_file.metadata)

I was expecting .metadata to be a dictionary of metadata. 我期望.metadata是元数据的字典。 retrieved_file._file stores the metadata I was looking for, along with additional metadata, but I assume accessing anything beginning with an underscore is a hack at best. retrieved_file._file存储了我一直在寻找的元数据以及其他元数据,但是我认为以下划线开头的任何内容充其量都是hack。

So, how can I get the file and the metadata I originally set? 那么,如何获取最初设置的文件和元数据?

You metadata live in the files Collection which means in "gridfstest.files" so to retrieve your metadata you need to query that collection. 元数据位于文件Collection中 ,这意味着在“ gridfstest.files”中,因此要检索元数据,您需要查询该集合。

In [54]: col = db.gridfstest.files.findOne()

In [55]: col.find_one()
{'_id': ObjectId('5644e9220acf451b36f22438'),
 'chunkSize': 261120,
 'encoding': 'utf8',
 'length': 11,
 'md5': '361fadf1c712e812d198c4cab5712a79',
 'other_metadata': 'other',
 'test_metadata': 'testing',
 'uploadDate': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 12, 19, 31, 46, 175000)}

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