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Python:使用 mysqldump + gridfs 存储 mysql 转储

[英]Python: Storing a mysql dump using mysqldump + gridfs

I'm trying to make a python script that (in order)我正在尝试制作一个 python 脚本(按顺序)

  1. dumps a mysql db into a file in /tmp/x.sql将 mysql 数据库转储到/tmp/x.sql中的文件中
  2. opens up that file打开那个文件
  3. writes that file into mongo gridfs将该文件写入 mongo gridfs

Motivation : Many different versions of a database for testing动机:许多不同版本的数据库用于测试

My problem : Step 1 does not complete writing to the file before Step 2 runs, hence an empty file is read我的问题:第 1 步未在第 2 步运行之前完成对文件的写入,因此读取了一个空文件

What I've got我有什么

# filename is a generated uuid4

def step_1(filename):
    d = dict(environ)
    d["MYSQL_PWD"] = "root_pass"
    file = open(filename, "wb")

        ["mysqldump", "-h", "", "-u", "root", "database"], stdout=file, env=d

def step_2(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        file = f.read()       <- This is always empty
        mongo_gridfs.put(data, content_type = 'file/txt')

Right now my "solution" is just calling sleep(1)现在我的“解决方案”只是调用sleep(1)

There doesn't seem to be a method in the file that tells you if it's being written or if writing has completed, so I'm just kinda looking for a way to know if the file has been written so that I don't have to call sleep(1) file中似乎没有一种方法可以告诉您文件是否正在写入或写入是否已完成,所以我只是在寻找一种方法来了解文件是否已写入,这样我就没有了打电话sleep(1)

If there is a way to pipe this directly into a ByteIO object and read that into gridfs that would be even better如果有办法将 pipe 直接放入ByteIO object 并将其读入 gridfs,那会更好

Well found two excellent answers in 1 minutes好在 1 分钟内找到了两个很好的答案


    process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["mysqldump", "-h", "", "-u", "root", "s2r-db"], stdout=PIPE, env=d

    process.wait() <- add this

made it work, but also adding PIPE to the stdout and reading it into a BytesIO instead of writing a file使其工作,但也将PIPE添加到stdout并将其读入BytesIO而不是写入文件

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