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[英]Manipulating mcmc.list object in R

I have used JAGS called via rjags to produce the mcmc.list object foldD_samples, which contains trace monitors for a large number of stochastic nodes (>800 nodes). 我使用了通过rjags调用的JAGS来生成mcmc.list对象foldD_samples,其中包含大量随机节点(> 800个节点)的跟踪监视器。

I would now like to use R to compute a fairly complicated, scalar-valued function of these nodes, and write the output to an mcmc object so that I can use coda to summarize the posterior and run convergence diagnostics. 我现在想用R来计算这些节点的相当复杂的标量值函数,并将输出写入mcmc对象,这样我就可以使用coda来总结后验和运行收敛诊断。

However, I haven't been able to figure out how get the posterior draws from foldD_samples into a dataframe. 但是,我无法弄清楚如何将后验从foldD_samples绘制到数据帧中。 Any help much appreciated. 任何帮助非常感谢。

Here is the structure of the mcmc.list: 这是mcmc.list的结构:

List of 3
 $ : mcmc [1:5000, 1:821] -0.667 -0.197 -0.302 -0.204 -0.394 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:821] "beta0" "beta1" "beta2" "dtau" ...
  ..- attr(*, "mcpar")= num [1:3] 4100 504000 100
 $ : mcmc [1:5000, 1:821] -0.686 -0.385 -0.53 -0.457 -0.519 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:821] "beta0" "beta1" "beta2" "dtau" ...
  ..- attr(*, "mcpar")= num [1:3] 4100 504000 100
 $ : mcmc [1:5000, 1:821] -0.492 -0.679 -0.299 -0.429 -0.421 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:821] "beta0" "beta1" "beta2" "dtau" ...
  ..- attr(*, "mcpar")= num [1:3] 4100 504000 100
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "mcmc.list"

Cheers, Jacob 干杯,雅各布

As it's a list structure you can use either of these methods to bind the matrices together. 由于它是一个list结构,您可以使用这些方法中的任何一种将矩阵绑定在一起。

do.call(rbind.data.frame, foldD_samples)

or 要么

rbindlist(lapply(foldD_samples, as.data.frame)) # thanks to BenBolker

A mwe 一个mwe


mod <- textConnection("model {
  A ~ dnorm(0, 1)
  B ~ dnorm(0, 1)

# evaluate
mod <- jags.model(mod, n.chains = 4, n.adapt = 50000) 
pos <- coda.samples(mod,  c("A", "B"),  10000)

out <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, pos)
out2 <- rbindlist(lapply(pos, as.data.frame))
all.equal(out, out2, check.attributes=FALSE)

The answer given by user20650 will certainly work, but it can be quite slow. user20650给出的答案肯定会有效,但可能会很慢。 Also note that as of this writing, rbind_list() is deprecated in place of bind_rows(). 另请注意,在撰写本文时,不推荐使用rbind_list()代替bind_rows()。

Something I've written for my own purposes converts the mcmc.list to a "long format" data.frame. 我为自己的目的编写的东西将mcmc.list转换为“长格式”data.frame。 On my machine, it is about 4-7x faster than the above methods, and adds two additional columns: one for the chain number, and one for the step number. 在我的机器上,它比上述方法快4-7倍,并增加了两列:一列用于链号,一列用于步号。

parameter_names <- varnames(mcmc_list)
saved_steps <- as.integer(row.names(mcmc_list[[1]]))
out <- data.frame("chain" = factor(rep(1 : length(mcmc_list), each = length(saved_steps))),
                  "step" = rep(saved_steps, length(mcmc_list)) )
for (param in parameter_names) {
    out[param] <- NA
for (a_chain in 1 : length(mcmc_list)) {
    out[out$chain == a_chain, parameter_names ] <- as.data.frame(mcmc_list[[a_chain]])

Working with an mcmc.list object of 3 chains, 50,000 rows total, rbind_list/do.call method: 0.71 sec avg elapsed time my method: 0.12 sec avg elapsed time 使用3个链的mcmc.list对象,总共50,000行,rbind_list / do.call方法:0.71秒平均耗时我的方法:0.12秒平均耗时

Edit: some further reading of code in the library "coda" shows that as.matrix() is much faster. 编辑:进一步阅读库“coda”中的代码表明as.matrix()要快得多。

parameter_names <- varnames(mcmc_list)
saved_steps <- as.integer(row.names(mcmc_list[[1]]))
out <- data.frame("chain" = factor(rep(1 : length(mcmc_list), each = length(saved_steps))),
                  "step" = rep(saved_steps, length(mcmc_list)) )
out <- cbind(out, as.data.frame(as.matrix(chain_samples)))

Takes on overage 0.03 seconds elapsed time. 超过0.03秒消耗时间。

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