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[英]Animate moving an image in canvas

Im new to using canvas but wonder if i could get some help or advice on where to start with this. 我刚开始使用画布,但想知道我是否可以从此处开始获得一些帮助或建议。 i currently have a circle drawn on canvas and have tried multiple ways i thought might work but cant get my head round it. 我目前在画布上绘制了一个圆圈,并尝试了多种方法,我认为可能可行,但无法解决。 When searching online i can only really find help where the shapes are drawn in canvas itself. 在线搜索时,我只能在画布上绘制形状的地方真正找到帮助。

Here is what i have so far: JSFiddle 这是我到目前为止的内容: JSFiddle

JavaScript: JavaScript:

var one = document.getElementById("canvOne");
var canvOne = one.getContext("2d");
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
    canvOne.drawImage(img, 10, 10);

img.src = "img/circle.jpg";

function oneStart(){
    for(var i = 0; i < 300; i++){
        img.style.left = i + 'px';
        setTimeout(oneStart, 1000);

can anyone give me a hand with this please? 有人可以帮我吗?

jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/8eLL7L5L/3/ jsFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/8eLL7L5L/3/

javascript javascript

//canvas one
var one = document.getElementById("canvOne");
var canvOne = one.getContext("2d");
var img = new Image();

var animate = false;
var circlePosX = 10;
var circlePosY = 10;

img.onload = function () {
    canvOne.drawImage(img, circlePosX, circlePosY);

img.src = "http://www.alexvolley.co.uk/other/circle.jpg";

var start = function()
    animate = true;

var stop = function()
    animate = false;   

setInterval(function () {
    // Only update circle position if animate is true
    if (animate) {
        circlePosX += 1;
        canvOne.fillStyle = "#FFF";
        canvOne.fillRect(0, 0, one.width, one.height);
        canvOne.drawImage(img, circlePosX, circlePosY);
}, 3);

All I have done is created 3 variables and added a few little functions, the circle's XPos and YPos are now stored so we can access them, I have also created a bool variable animate which is used to check if we should animate the circle. 我所做的只是创建了3个变量,并添加了一些小函数,现在存储了圆的XPos和YPos,以便我们可以访问它们。我还创建了一个bool变量animate ,用于检查是否应为圆设置动画。

The start function simply sets animate to true start函数只是将animate为true

The stop function simple sets animate to false 停止功能简单​​地将animate为false

the setInterval just keeps running the same code over and over every 3 miliseconds, all this does is clears the canvas and then redraws the circle. setInterval只会每3毫秒重复运行一次相同的代码,所有这些操作就是清除画布,然后重画圆圈。 If we don't clear the canvas you would see multiple circles appear when animate is true. 如果我们不清除画布,则在动画设置为true时会看到多个圆圈。

I hope this helped 希望这对您有所帮助

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